Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trebuchet Blueprints Science Fair

Facundo Moyano and Youth Association (or the attempt of a "human face moyano)

The Campora and siphoning off younger generation to the K, was sufficiently discussed, analyzed and criticized - even us - in recent times. Pay stubs, the aspirations for statewide office or business listings on the top of this trend organized from the state and government, speak for themselves the quality of this new generation. What they call "the new management epic" translated into native language means "I put all the epic want, I demand only two conditions: positions and money." Petty arrogant, uploaded to riding the "project", desperately seeking a career in a state that, for now, has too many resources. The social component is the same as in the nineties was looking for a career in "private activity" under the pressure of convertibility and 1 to 1. We can paraphrase and say that "every time you the petty careerists who deserve" to this he was fortunate few nac & pop varnish.
But this is not the phenomenon we want to analyze now. Another school was born from within the Peronist union bureaucracy seeks to develop in the labor movement, partly as a continuation and an attempt to overcome aging and dysfunctional bureaucracy to the spirit of age of the times. An era marked by the end of the neoliberal restoration and a return to populism with national and state discourse, which is itself the product of the end of "neo-liberal paradigm" which imploded with the capitalist crisis current and popular revolts that marked the decade in Latin America (and now travel the world), which should be included in 2001 in Argentina. And product in turn, the "return of the proletariat" to international scene with great role in our country in recent years.
Facundo Moyano and Youth Association, seek to embody this renewal with a speech that tries to make a synthesis that overcomes the "old disagreements" between the right and left (Peron and not) that marked the 70's. A new youth association that includes among its references to Tosco and Rucci, or as he said, claiming the 30,000 y. .. Rucci.
With the return of worker ownership in Argentina, began to develop a trend (with a large youth component) that the press called the "base unionism." Current, of course, arises in opposition to the bureaucracy that in the nineties became an entrepreneur and / or permitted to be taken away from all the gains to workers and essentially remains equal to itself, at least for almost three decades. We can open the hypothesis that the Youth Association, is a first attempt at renewal and why not also a response to process "based unionism."
Youth Association to try to expropriate unionism and left class combative, flags were historically characteristic of this trend in the labor movement and that at some point were further lifted by the Peronist left. Kirchner
As with the flags of the struggle for human rights and the punishment of genocide, Youth Association, takes in the speech programs like "Huerta Grande and " The Skirt ".
Just as the "spring Campora" became a new "founding myth" in the political arena, the demand for certain combat history of the labor movement, aims to become a new "narrative" to achieve hegemony in the new young workers.
Facundo Moyano, a political picture a much higher level than his brother (Paul) and even his father, is proposed as the new white hope of a "human face moyano."
But if "camporees" have some contradictions, like being part of a government that has thousands of persecuted and prosecuted and even imprisoned at the people, while claiming an era marked by "Devotazo" Youth Association has its own who are not minors.
First, are an organic part of a union bureaucracy that runs from Pedraza to Moyano, beyond those who say the Kirchner who defend Moyano, and Hugo Moyano, and Facundo called Pedraza and imprison those responsible for Marian death Ferreyra. And, although not encouraged to seek their freedom and public evidence of the chief instigators of the UF, they did in the case of "Momo" Venegas.
Second, while speaking of programs as the skirt or Huerta Grande, posed the expropriation of the oligarchy, workers' control or nationalization of banks , it supports a government that keeps the oligarchic structure of the field and represses those seeking land, such as Qom. The domestic and foreign banks, makes money more than ever, and workers' control in factories and businesses Queen dictatorship of capital.
support the fact total division of the labor movement among employed, unemployed, outsourced and hired away from "absolute stability" of speaking these programs.
But the political dispute and union with this power that attempts to "renew" the bureaucracy, while maintaining its essence, becomes an important task for the youth class in the labor movement. Like all political and social phenomenon is contradictory and a product of recent history and the objective and subjective reconstruction of the working class. In a historical time which is decreasing the weight of the Peronist ideology among the new young workers (not for nothing Facundo Moyano clear that they are not the "Youth Peronist union, "but simply" Youth Association ")
The positive side is that consciously or unconsciously can help the politicization of a new segment of young workers. What sectors of the new working class to discuss the strengths and limits programs such as the skirt or Huerta Grande or the grandeur and misery of the "tosquismo" and the experience of militant trade unionism Cordoba, can not be more than good news for those who intend to build a current class in the labor movement, that beyond intentions of those who are driving this debate. Or rather, when those who adopt this discourse, only have to offer increasingly limited partitarias and with lower ceilings, for a minority of working class. And yet it is a challenge in the dispute to new working generation, overcoming the historical debate, and skills to this new attempt to "shift to the left reformist trade union bureaucracy.
Because, in essence, the task is the being that beautifully summed George Engel, one of the martyrs of Chicago, when he said that " My most ardent desire is that employees know who their enemies and who are your friends . Everything else I despise ... "


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