Althusser, Artemio, the State and the Theory
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Hair Salon Blueprint Sample
In a discussion that started here and continued here, Artemio Lopez tried to define in a post, from a quotation from Althusser, who was "THE" problem of post-revolutionary states which were introduced in at least one third of the planet for more than half of the twentieth century, after the triumph of the Russian Revolution and other revolutions of whom were born post-capitalist social formations, ie workers' states of different types or popularly known as "state socialism."
the absence of a theory to defend "state Kirchner" (we understand it, is a complex task) took a "maximum" very Clausewitzian and low level, ie, a common and said "no best defense is a good offense."
Let's see if we explain, AL can not defend a state that says "not repress social protest" and you have loaded on your or your allies, with more deaths than Duhalde and repression where "fellow Peronist" send students and teachers drag s down the street, where people disappear and Jorge Julio Lopez, Silvia Suppo murders, police in the "buddy Scioli" kill and go away to kids as Luciano Wrinkle etc. etc.
Artemio L. simply "unsubscribe" in consultant numbers "Equis" and continues to support the popular government (capable than those of Soldati, nor was counted, so less work).
But we said, as no arguments to defend it "their" state so ... "contradictory" to attack the proposed draft statement for which we fight the Marxists, the same Lenin and even Marx.
But when he thought he was pulling heavy ammunition in fact launched a pif with another cliché, this time from the hand of an 'authority', Louis Althusser, who will recognize some theoretical stature, but not just as Artemio fetched L. to demonstrate the "key" to the post-revolutionary workers' states. It is seen that many surveys and numbers that do not close, stunted thinking.
The truism that Artemio L. cut and pasted from Althusser says about this "the problem they had is that socialist states had not Marx and Lenin theory of the future proletarian state or whatever that they will stand when the working class taking power ". Or, to put it another way "Neither Marx nor Lenin, Gramsci had a theory or" positive "about the state, there was only one" critical "(ie" negative ") of the bourgeois state and the future proletarian state or socialist had many "loopholes." Then, quite simply there was the crux of the matter, that says nothing more and nothing less than Stalin, the purges, the gulag, the persecutions, the bureaucracy, the betrayals and finally the collapse of these states (with Cuba resisting in the last ditch).
When I question the "authority" of Althusser to take it as a reference for discussing this issue, was at least questionable, Artemio L. responded with a post recounting the "road map" of Althusser, who finally broke with Marxism.
But we do not want to discuss the whole trajectory of Althusser (L. Artemio who seems quite fanatic, as I say Riquelme, leading us to defend the indefensible of these characters, but in football this is the essence, not in politics and least in theory) , but what is asserted in the event that attempts to explain the phenomenon of Stalinism and its aftermath.
We responded and Artemio L. not acknowledged receipt of the essence. Let's expand a bit, from another angle, if only to clarify the debate.
Regarding the alleged failure in Marx a "transition state theory" that even some extend (as Bobbi) to a "lack of political theory in general, not is a new challenge and only referred to this "area." Others have questioned whether there is in Marx a finished theory on, say the dialectic, nor wrote something like a "treaty of historical materialism 'or philosophy in general. There is more consensus, however, that Marx worked deeper economic theory, after all there is to prove the Capital. But ... The Capital (book "negative" or "positive" if any, as is subtitled "Critique of Political Economy"), was incomplete and only published in Marx's lifetime, the first volume and was so meticulous until reviewed all re-translation French, because I was not satisfied. So I doubt that would support the hundreds or thousands of translations out there and shoot safe to send Wenseslao Roces. Finally, now we have no "Marxist economic theory." Conclusion, gaps everywhere.
So the duet Artemio Althusser might say that Stalinism is a product that no treaty of dialectics. Then the bureaucracy did not realize the amount break as happened and that the state ruling party worker, was being transformed into its opposite, bureaucracy restorationist and agent of the bourgeoisie and imperialism. (All this if not despised Althusser dialectics).
Or, perhaps, was the fault of Marx or Lenin that made it very detailed as it should be applied historical materialism to prevent bureaucracy edit manuals and DAY HIS-MAT-MAT, the underlying a and thousand lameness. This was part of the Ten Commandments the premise Stalinist countries "not ripe" for socialism and "each accounted for a super structure" , with which he dedicated to delivering speed everywhere and even do things like Democratic Union.
Or maybe, nor is "complete" economic theory and Marx made clear the relationship of a country isolated by the world market, it was restoring capitalism and bureaucracy became new capitalist class because they had no theory to remain "pure", as is happening now in Cuba (then edit to Althusser heavily in Cuba, could save the Cuban revolution before the next Congress votes new measures for settlement !!!).
academic demands just do not understand Marxism is not an academic theory, but a weapon for revolutionary political struggle. The itinerary of Marx and his attempts to build an international workers' parties and, as shown. Although both Marx and Lenin, Trotsky, Gramsci considered very important theoretical elaboration.
In addition, Marxism, by successive approximations, which seeks total bourgeois science (and at the time of decay) divided and biased. Words can not separate the economy and this policy of ideology or sociology, ie the class struggle and all of this philosophy. While taking into account that at the analytical and study, can separate these "camps" (not necessarily separates the bourgeois academy.) The method Marx political economy of a lecture on, just his method of study of reality (Artemio, could be incorporated into courses Equis training, especially that part that says "the population is an abstraction, but takes into account ...".:)).
This only want to show the absurdity of the premise that Artemio start-Althusser, the bureaucracy and Stalinism were not the product of class struggle, revolution and counterrevolution, but of "gaps" in the theory of Marx and Lenin on the other hand had left a solid base and the problem of bureaucracy is not just that "did not understand."
Even the class struggle, which like all class struggle is a political struggle, moved naturally to the theory, where one of the key battles was: "theory of socialism in one country or theory of Permanent Revolution" (and Althusser was not the right side in this battle that began in the early bureaucratization of Soviet Russia and did not stop even in the concentration camps from which came the most lucid theoretical elaborations). Althusser did not understand the bureaucracy and when it was believed a Marxist, nor when it will be more interested. On our reading of the problem itself answered here and add here. and other colleagues contributed to the debate. Here only propose a different angle.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Can You Use Almay With Rosacea
year-end Balance
BEST INDEPENDENT THEATER 2010 ... by The Office Critical
step below list some productions, directors and artists with their own light shone in the year 2010 , away from the scenery and the pompous productions. The independent theater - alternative - non-commercial use is still valid, thanks to the courageous and sacrificial work of notable architects of unforgettable performances. Here's the list including "Best of the Theatre", which reached this server to enjoy this year:
A performer who has improved greatly as the years pass, surpassing themselves same for each installation involved, and devoted himself to promoting the performing arts in the space given.
Best Supporting Actress: ARROYO XIMENA
by Cacúmenes and Loves of Don Perlimplín Belisa in his garden.
honorable mentions:
also called attention this year the tenderness and fragility of NATALYD ALTAMIRANO in the eternal memory of a crystal, the remarkable record for comedy JACQUI October Chuquillanqui in Paradise and black, and the power and precision Betzabeth it in kind.
is always nice to appreciate (and in this case, rediscover) a great actor, while displaying all his talent on stage two characters hilarious anthology, and is one of the most unsuccessful year assemblies.
Best Supporting Actor: GEORGE
DAFIENO by Reality Lima Pipol
Chou 2010 Honorable Mentions:
To highlight the male cast of Lock Out (SANDRO LA TORRE, RAUL DURAND, RENZO GARCIA, ALEX JAVIER GUERRERO and MORI), wasting energy and vitality in an intense working together; NELSON TAFUR using all the possibilities offered by playing a villain par excellence, as it was Iago, in October black; and ENRIQUE VICTORIA, applying the whole office and experience gained over decades in sympathetic roles in Cacúmenes and Appetite in the enchanted forest.
Best Actress for theater
Restored some years ago, this veteran actress showing everything he learned in his long career, an excellent comedy written by his daughter and giving precise replica of a huge comic actress.
Actress ELVIRA DE LA PUENTE by Faith Lessons
Honorable Mentions:
Energetic and convincing Gabriel Fernandez in the orgy, friendly and versatile, in ORTEGA ELVIRA What then compadre Zorro?, And finally, hilarious, outstanding, Haydee Caceres Lessons of faith.
An actor does not necessarily excel in complex dense dramas or tragedies, you can do in kind for the whole family comedies, playing funny characters. If this is the actor, who is always compelling and flawless in everything he does.
Best Actor
RAUL DURAND by Lobo What are you doing?
honorable mentions: SERGIO
OTA, its fun and risky repressed gay role in the forbidden apple, MIGUEL ANGEL Malpartida, for his energy and effort in The Murderers, and GERMÁN "Manchi" RAMIREZ, for their unbeatable skills for comedy and improvisation to Please a clown and the magic trunk.
At this point we can say without a doubt, that no assembly of this director could leave us indifferent. Always offers us a while now, shows a clean, organized and leveraged players.
Best Director: CARLOS ACOSTA
by lessons of faith and the forbidden apple
Honorable Mentions:
The excellent work of adaptation and stage direction by CARLOS LA ROSA Lock Out, the precision and fluidity of Species DIEGO LA HOZ, and the pleasant and welcome anarchy "claunesca" Please WALTER CHULLO in a clown and the magic trunk.
A Peruvian author, recognized for their extraordinary and compelling poems and stories, is reassessed in great shape as a playwright in an extraordinary assembly, in which shone a great acting job, orchestrated by a promising young director.
best work: LOCK OUT
Cesar Vallejo
Honorable Mentions:
SPECIES, carefully written text and the group Sara Joffré Clearance; LESSONS OF FAITH great comedy from the pen of Claudia Sacha, and serves a clown, hilarious claun key experiment created by Walter Chullo.
Thank you all for your votes and support to this humble blog. The independent theater is more alive than ever. For you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sergio Velarde
December 20, 2010
BEST INDEPENDENT THEATER 2010 ... by The Office Critical
step below list some productions, directors and artists with their own light shone in the year 2010 , away from the scenery and the pompous productions. The independent theater - alternative - non-commercial use is still valid, thanks to the courageous and sacrificial work of notable architects of unforgettable performances. Here's the list including "Best of the Theatre", which reached this server to enjoy this year:
A performer who has improved greatly as the years pass, surpassing themselves same for each installation involved, and devoted himself to promoting the performing arts in the space given.

Best Supporting Actress: ARROYO XIMENA
by Cacúmenes and Loves of Don Perlimplín Belisa in his garden.
honorable mentions:
also called attention this year the tenderness and fragility of NATALYD ALTAMIRANO in the eternal memory of a crystal, the remarkable record for comedy JACQUI October Chuquillanqui in Paradise and black, and the power and precision Betzabeth it in kind.
is always nice to appreciate (and in this case, rediscover) a great actor, while displaying all his talent on stage two characters hilarious anthology, and is one of the most unsuccessful year assemblies.

Best Supporting Actor: GEORGE
DAFIENO by Reality Lima Pipol
Chou 2010 Honorable Mentions:
To highlight the male cast of Lock Out (SANDRO LA TORRE, RAUL DURAND, RENZO GARCIA, ALEX JAVIER GUERRERO and MORI), wasting energy and vitality in an intense working together; NELSON TAFUR using all the possibilities offered by playing a villain par excellence, as it was Iago, in October black; and ENRIQUE VICTORIA, applying the whole office and experience gained over decades in sympathetic roles in Cacúmenes and Appetite in the enchanted forest.
Best Actress for theater
Restored some years ago, this veteran actress showing everything he learned in his long career, an excellent comedy written by his daughter and giving precise replica of a huge comic actress.

Actress ELVIRA DE LA PUENTE by Faith Lessons
Honorable Mentions:
Energetic and convincing Gabriel Fernandez in the orgy, friendly and versatile, in ORTEGA ELVIRA What then compadre Zorro?, And finally, hilarious, outstanding, Haydee Caceres Lessons of faith.
An actor does not necessarily excel in complex dense dramas or tragedies, you can do in kind for the whole family comedies, playing funny characters. If this is the actor, who is always compelling and flawless in everything he does.

Best Actor
RAUL DURAND by Lobo What are you doing?
honorable mentions: SERGIO
OTA, its fun and risky repressed gay role in the forbidden apple, MIGUEL ANGEL Malpartida, for his energy and effort in The Murderers, and GERMÁN "Manchi" RAMIREZ, for their unbeatable skills for comedy and improvisation to Please a clown and the magic trunk.
At this point we can say without a doubt, that no assembly of this director could leave us indifferent. Always offers us a while now, shows a clean, organized and leveraged players.

Best Director: CARLOS ACOSTA
by lessons of faith and the forbidden apple
Honorable Mentions:
The excellent work of adaptation and stage direction by CARLOS LA ROSA Lock Out, the precision and fluidity of Species DIEGO LA HOZ, and the pleasant and welcome anarchy "claunesca" Please WALTER CHULLO in a clown and the magic trunk.
A Peruvian author, recognized for their extraordinary and compelling poems and stories, is reassessed in great shape as a playwright in an extraordinary assembly, in which shone a great acting job, orchestrated by a promising young director.

best work: LOCK OUT
Cesar Vallejo
Honorable Mentions:
SPECIES, carefully written text and the group Sara Joffré Clearance; LESSONS OF FAITH great comedy from the pen of Claudia Sacha, and serves a clown, hilarious claun key experiment created by Walter Chullo.
Thank you all for your votes and support to this humble blog. The independent theater is more alive than ever. For you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sergio Velarde
December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Lic Mony Plus 180 What Can I Do
"Cordoba is moving ..." (Notes on the political scene Mediterranean)
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National and Popular |
The week was moved to the Learned. The adoption of the new Reform Provincial Education Act, amid repression and arrested , opened a political crisis local Peronist with the national government and showed the contradictions that have the intent of "kirchnerizar" to Peronism Cordoba and Schiaretti. And most utopian toad still adorn the Gallego De la Sota.
However, this crisis brought to light the contradictions and changes in political situation of the province, which have been developing for some time.
The emergence of young high school this year, questioning the interference of the companies and the attempt to introduce religion in education, preceded by a large diversity movement that moved the adoption of equal marriage law showed that "egalitarian aspirations" that travel to Argentina after 2001 arrived or rather began to speak in the streets of Córdoba, where in 2001 as a milestone of popular mobilization was not so relevant in Buenos Aires. These egalitarian aspirations and believes that Kirchner wants to believe they are a "self-creation" are really deep legacy of the revolutionary days of 2001 , the Kirchner (and growth) achieved passivated, but not settled. The movement of the homeless, was the arrival on the scene of one of the most neglected sectors of the working class. Introducing a totally salutary factor in the "pax" under the government of Cristina Kirchner sought to establish the joint force controlled for white workers, social pact, crumbs eaten by inflation with a large dose AUH and artists "committed "(ie olfas) and waaaay 678. Subcontracted workers who were in the concourse, opened the door to even further down: indigenous peoples to land and call for the urban poor who require housing. The first responses were "duhaldista" killings of members of the community Qom in Formosa and immigrant youth in American Indian Park. Many militants
K. realized that the "model" reaches for the few and the passivity that remained for a long time these sectors, the most exploited among the exploited, you start to finish. Suburbs or Manolo B ., Who admire and banks to mayors, according to them by the particular "merit" to keep at bay those most disadvantaged sectors will have to start thinking about new arguments, because these "Problem solvers" (as they call "Peronist" to the defectors from the mayors) julep stuck a barbarian with the possibility of extension of the shots, as well as have here.
But back to Cordoba, the interesting thing is: what for the government of Cristina means a clear "right turn" (to agree with De la Sota, Boudou Capital, IMF), Cordoba for the Peronist the need ally with the national government as a way of sucking the unity of Peronism, as well as continue to receive resources for campaign work, means a movement (or some movements) clockwise otherwise. (Note for the sects we know, are two bourgeois governments, the question is to think what are the specific differences that can be exploited by those below, as was the vote of the Education Act).
The question that was made from the same government repression, leading to open an investigation and in record time the release of prisoners, imposed by the mobilization, but where's lawyers also declined HR agencies K. are made fairly new in Córdoba.
Our hypothesis is that the top (by the mutual needs of national and provincial government) and below, by the emergency youth and other "actors", Córdoba is changing. The reign of "neoliberalism Menem (who imposed all governments, whatever the political sign) and crossed to all institutions: parties, trade unions, to the same university and even large sectors of society, you start hitting a Córdoba in which there are elements of Argentina after 2001. In the electoral context that opens, this can lead to court, but our analysis seeks to go further in changing ideological, cultural, political and even generations, of those who take notice, to define a strategic revolutionary project. ;
spoken of a possible unification of the CGT, is attached to Dragún (SMATA) with Leyria (Luz y Fuerza), under the auspices of Moyano, this is a major change in a guild (SMATA) that "educated" to their base on the idea that Light and Power are the "left-handed." Blows to the national Church, have a greater relevance in the "Córdoba of the bells" and not only was questioned during the discussion on equal marriage, then thousands of students chanted for months on the streets "outside the church our desks. " The loss of authority of this institution in a province where you have (had) a specific gravity greater, must be seen also as a sign of these times.
's win list unresponsive bureaucracy and references of the class left in the election of delegates VW body, some say also on the assumption that we want to test.
'll see if the hypothesis is confirmed and settle these contradictions. In the case of approval of the Education Act broke openly. Obviously, this all makes sense if and only if the "bottom" know how to make these contradictions to denounce the whole scheme, their governments and the interests they defend and propose a bold political project. Our modest contribution, we believe it was very important nowadays. Expressed this time brave fellow who not only showed endurance, but above all, political acumen to convert the spot won the fight, on a platform to denounce the repression of some and the complicity of others. The law was passed with votes schiarettistas and Kirchner, where McCarthy's speech against the mobilization of students ("minority groups") did a representative K., thereby justifying repression. This left "treading air" (if not otherwise) to the center K: local political representatives supported the bill, its grassroots organizations are torn between going or not going to release the were arrested and dangerous "prisoners" (not Harnessed), but the political alliances his political boss intended to Cordoba. And not for nothing was the recognition by many of the consistent attitude of the protesters, including the most serious on the left.
paraphrase, the inability to start up and down to not wanting , and this opens the possibility of seizures with opportunities to emerge more strongly a political alternative independent of the working class and popular sectors.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Vermont Snow Tubing Killington
Cristinas kirchnerismo upper stage (or the continuation of Kirchner, but other "media")
Bewildered militants and supporters of Kirchner are wondering what's up?. Jorge Julio Lopez was a work of the right, Mariano Ferreyra was wrong but ... ( "left it looking a little" was the reasoning of many), yet failed to explain Formosa ( "ruled INADI, maybe we can win without Insfran ... ") and it explodes repression and killings of young people who can not even get to the" basement of the Motherland "because this country does not allow them to step on any ground. Unemployed and certainly most precarious workers, seeking a land where to build a ranch, because the "rent" paid on the other village had become very expensive.
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Schoklender denouncing |
Metropolitan in command of the "right" and friedrichs under the command of "progressive ricotero and" Hannibal, were responsible for letting it clear that the model "national and popular" after 8 years of record growth, redistribution has already been done and they did not reach. Nor for 40% of the working class who works in black or in precarious conditions, nor for those who have jobs stable but inflation eats his salary. And when the redistribution is not enough, the bullets start.
The "legacy of Nestor" (the alleged non-enforcement), one of the last flags raised K militants, crumbles in a matter of weeks. Not that we eat the story that there was no repression even Kirchner (Kraft!), but here are a leap in quality. And how do you explain? Since K scribes are a bit puzzled, we test an explanation.
The government of Nestor Kirchner, Duhalde proposed, came to try to re-institutionalize the crisis of 2001 and with the help of the economy, duhaldista devaluation based partly succeeded. The policy "symbolic" of human rights, changes in the Court and other very limited gestures trying to answer from above all that the 2001 questioned from below. The "matrix" based on the economic gains lost by the working class from Dictatorship to this part, through the nineties: precariousness, flexibility, outsourcing, high prices and masazo conmodities devaluation. None of this changed in substance.
Before the death of NK, is beginning to manifest in order to cycle, both politically and economically (although sin grave crisis todavía, por las condiciones internacionales): la inflación, la salida a la superficie de los "tercerizados", trabajadores pobres y sin derechos, eran algunas de las expresiones de esto. El veto del 82% móvil mostró abiertamente los límites. La posible candidatura de Scioli como la "esperanza blanca" de continuidad del kirchnerismo, era otra de sus manifestaciones.
La muerte de NK fue un hecho político y el operativo para convertirlo en un "mito", le dio resultados coyunturales y mejoró la imagen de CFK. El aparato pejotista que venía alejándose consideró que la mejor táctica era cambiarle el contenido "desde adentro" y la verdad es que le está yendo quite well. CFK then gave concrete form to the "deepening of the model" (which had begun insisting on NK life, to whom death saved him have to continue this "work").
Deepening rely essentially meant "pejotismo" and the union bureaucracy, which the cultural left would make palatable (with Artemio Lopez, a specialist in passing "snitches" for hares, as long as 40%) and "vocation majority" came to justify De la Sota, cover up and hold Insfrán Pedraza, against which no one spoke, much less acted. Now two deaths in a repression carried out by the force commanded by Hannibal "a whole stick" Fernández. Moral
for "utopian" center Kirchner: if we sow Hannibal (Scioli and Boudou even before) + mayors "mazorqueros" + + union bureaucracy incorporation + De la Sota and Insfrán Schiaretti + + back to the IMF, reap DUHALDE pure and simple. " Although "tack" the protagonist is not now felt that they were stealing his script and speaking out and redouble the bet.
K Will try thinking center-left or left as official statements by a shiny new spokesman Sergio Schocklender, that says everything is a conspiracy of criminals and drug dealers and, of course, the trotsko?
Monday, December 6, 2010
I'm In Agony Following Meniscus Repair
The "new" bourgeois victims (or even conceal the class character of genocide)
We had seen some time here , when the government launched its "media blitz" about the case Clarín Newsprint began circulating elements for a new story on the causes and consequences of genocide. Recently we saw question is resumed, all from a publication of "multimedia" official. There is no doubt that is an ideological-political line down from the government, which also created a special unit to investigate "crimes against humanity in economically motivated" . Should we understand this attempt at a new hegemonic narrative about the dictatorship, as part of rotation CFK right that has been carrying out fast?.
The goal is simple: completely erase the class character of genocide . Or even more, argue that the dictatorship was not "only" against workers, students and popular sectors, but included among the victims of many capitalists to whom they were expropriated their business. They speak of a number will surpass 600. So pompously announced that " A new stage begins in the process of memory, truth and justice in Argentina. Under Secretary for Human Rights Protection, Luis Alen " The dictatorship had a clear objective: to establish a defined economic model for which it was necessary to discipline a population through terror. While such repression is focused on progressive activism, also affected many business . "
subtly use the same speech that was based on several trials genocidal character, or rather, that the crimes committed by the military were "in the context of genocide." This was a breakthrough, which cleverly managed to incorporate human rights lawyers (especially Ceprodh and Justice Now!) To impose higher sentences on the few military courts. But as bourgeois legislation, national or international law is unclear, and could not ever clear the true character or class of genocide, now I intend to use to impose their class conciliation content to a new rewrite of that part of history.
A Wikipedian definition (but I think in general right) said " means genocide any acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such with a particular purpose. These acts include death and injury to physical or moral integrity of members of the group, killing or taking measures to prevent births within the group. With these basics more or less could be framed within the figure of genocide, the conviction of Etchecolatz for example. But "laclausianos" Kirchner found this to be an "empty signifier" and that within the "national group", when all evidence shows that predominates overwhelmingly working class, try to incorporate new sectors of the bourgeoisie (nothing more and nothing less than 600) among those who suffered the genocide.
subtly use the same speech that was based on several trials genocidal character, or rather, that the crimes committed by the military were "in the context of genocide." This was a breakthrough, which cleverly managed to incorporate human rights lawyers (especially Ceprodh and Justice Now!) To impose higher sentences on the few military courts. But as bourgeois legislation, national or international law is unclear, and could not ever clear the true character or class of genocide, now I intend to use to impose their class conciliation content to a new rewrite of that part of history.
A Wikipedian definition (but I think in general right) said " means genocide any acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such with a particular purpose. These acts include death and injury to physical or moral integrity of members of the group, killing or taking measures to prevent births within the group. With these basics more or less could be framed within the figure of genocide, the conviction of Etchecolatz for example. But "laclausianos" Kirchner found this to be an "empty signifier" and that within the "national group", when all evidence shows that predominates overwhelmingly working class, try to incorporate new sectors of the bourgeoisie (nothing more and nothing less than 600) among those who suffered the genocide.
Thus, the dictatorship would have been the tool of a reactionary bloc : financial capital, some multinational companies, the "oligarchy" that would come to settle a "historical bloc" progressive : the working class, progressive intellectuals, the popular sectors, which now amount to a "mythical" national "bourgeoisie? also was a victim, all to impose a new economic model.
Famous national bourgeoisie "progressive" who come looking for since the very birth of Argentine capitalism, as Stalinists, Maoists, as Peronist all colors, always have a problem "missed appointment" when the call desperately in times of revolution and counter, for now it would have been "liquidated" by the dictatorship and as much a victim as the working class and popular sectors.
This new story Stalin-but-Kirchner, is less credible at this point in the new century and after over 200 year history of the national bourgeoisie actually exists.
had already analyzed here the "stories" that were imposed from dictatorship to this part: first, the story itself of the murderers and their legitimate war against subversion second theory of two evils Alfonsin, third to claim a heroic militant generation, but one hundred percent wrong, and finally, what we called the "fourth story" that gets the shaft in the class character of the genocide that came to a huge stop upgrade worker who questioned the very foundations of capitalism and his regime. The facts and the goals that were imposed repressors show that the latter is the interpretation that explains the background of the causes and consequences of the dictatorship.
The "Kirchner of origins" and its base, the co-opted human rights organizations and some progressive intellectuals and nac & pop, have generally adopted the arguments of the third story. In response, the books of Ceferino Reato (Operation Traviata "and the recent" Operation Scoop ") attempt to revive the second story, even coming very close to first.
For the government and its scribes had hitherto heard only praise for the "wonderful young people", then came the "operative flushing of face "of the new armed forces and now it seems I add a" heroic bourgeoisie. "Missing that 678 starts to show life history of bourgeois patriots who made silver laburando his life" for some bad military come to rob them of everything (and in part was made of Graiver).
Veintitres In the same journal, Alen confesses that " While many of the victims had already made their claim against former President Raul Alfonsin were compensated , Alen makes a difference: "One thing is the equity issue and a criminal's face. We investigated the latter: the criminal responsibility of the dictatorship with economic purpose ". That is, first these "good fellow" bourgeois did not go to the Plaza with the Mothers to demand justice, but to see the late Alfonso sleeve twine and second, the government according to his spokesman Alen, wants to use this with a political and ideological purpose.
History has judged and harshly to those who dreamed of a revolution in military hand bourgeois nationalists and liberals. This story of class conciliation "backwards", that is intended to victimize some good bourgeoisie expropriated by capitalists and military bad, is not just another story Chinese.
do not deny that in the war against the working class, the military and the bourgeoisie have had problems in its "front" and some took advantage of a state power to do business and even individuals have been victims bourgeois. But if the third story hid working insurgency against the preparation of the coup, the new aims to make it "disappear", throwing populist land - on the necessary bourgeois historical truth.
comes very well remember the phrase that one of the most heroic martyrs who had the international working class, spat in the face of the court to condemn to death for defending the rights of the working class: "I do not capitalists individual combat, to combat the system that gives the privilege. My most ardent desire is that workers know who its enemies are and who their friends . Everything else deserves my contempt (...) "
Veintitres In the same journal, Alen confesses that " While many of the victims had already made their claim against former President Raul Alfonsin were compensated , Alen makes a difference: "One thing is the equity issue and a criminal's face. We investigated the latter: the criminal responsibility of the dictatorship with economic purpose ". That is, first these "good fellow" bourgeois did not go to the Plaza with the Mothers to demand justice, but to see the late Alfonso sleeve twine and second, the government according to his spokesman Alen, wants to use this with a political and ideological purpose.
History has judged and harshly to those who dreamed of a revolution in military hand bourgeois nationalists and liberals. This story of class conciliation "backwards", that is intended to victimize some good bourgeoisie expropriated by capitalists and military bad, is not just another story Chinese.
do not deny that in the war against the working class, the military and the bourgeoisie have had problems in its "front" and some took advantage of a state power to do business and even individuals have been victims bourgeois. But if the third story hid working insurgency against the preparation of the coup, the new aims to make it "disappear", throwing populist land - on the necessary bourgeois historical truth.
comes very well remember the phrase that one of the most heroic martyrs who had the international working class, spat in the face of the court to condemn to death for defending the rights of the working class: "I do not capitalists individual combat, to combat the system that gives the privilege. My most ardent desire is that workers know who its enemies are and who their friends . Everything else deserves my contempt (...) "
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Silvercity Birthday Party Brampton
El Indio Solari and "Twilight of the Idols"
The interview last the Indian Pergolini the program added a new "disappointment" to many ricotero.
(I take leave and leave aside the general issues discussed in the blog, for a" catharsis "personal)
As I was telling a friend in the nineties, the ritual of belonging to this urban tribe that followed Patrick Rey and Ricotta Redonditos somehow became a "foxhole strength" cultural conservative in full restoration (postmodernism and neoliberalism in the world and Creole version of the Menem)
personally belong to the generation that never saw the most intimate shows of "Round and Ballet, with the monologues of Henry Syms, the performance of the" Bay Biscuits "(including Faithfull Marianne) and Monona Blues and the famous ricotta redonditos sharing among the public. For those who entered the "tribe" in the nineties this was already part of the "myth" of a golden age, always better than that touched us. Puteábamos against that bloody dictatorship of our era and that prevented us from seeing Luca and Sumo, and it was not a "true round" while those who do not worship Luca Prodan (in the same way that, even then, I hated to Petinato, "the journalist who is dying to play" ) . But hey, if we follow the same logic, we saw not comforted, Morrison, and Janis and Jimi Hendrix and the great, or a. .. then this is what we are and "patriots of our time."
those years also had their mystique ... The first works in the early nineties, the microstage of Lanús, the 40 thousand people in the Municipal Exhibition Center (if there was "the world's largest pogo) to Hurricane, Racing .... until I came here.
Without internet, sms or massive as today, first was a version "che again say they do works" and after confirmation in a radio program and had to start collecting coins so that in the case of funds that we lived in the metropolitan area, a delegation "trip to the Capital" and get the tickets. Rent the buses, painting the flags and try to go without a ride or you stick the cane and the challenge to overcome (in number or Flag) to the "gang of Aldo Bonzi" mission impossible, by dint of sheer creativity people and had become (at least at the time) in a "barra brava" of the round.
Without internet, sms or massive as today, first was a version "che again say they do works" and after confirmation in a radio program and had to start collecting coins so that in the case of funds that we lived in the metropolitan area, a delegation "trip to the Capital" and get the tickets. Rent the buses, painting the flags and try to go without a ride or you stick the cane and the challenge to overcome (in number or Flag) to the "gang of Aldo Bonzi" mission impossible, by dint of sheer creativity people and had become (at least at the time) in a "barra brava" of the round.
And to alleviate the wait until the new "ritual" to intercalábamos Divididos Las Pelotas or weekends in Theatre Cement Arpeggios or bass (where the hell out of Chabán began planting the future Cromagnon), Harlequins and other places that do not remember their names now, and every now and not ruled Memphis o Misissipi.
But the matter did not end there, the other part of the time was busy digging in record stores or friends and acquaintances to get any of the recorded live (Palladium of 85, the Horse of the Sun of 8? "), they buy a TDK guaranteeing" quality ", record and copy in color the cap" original. " There we discovered the unpublished (My genius Love, The Return of Mao, from these powders, slurries and my preferred future Roxana Porchelana or Bee Rock ). We were also looking like gold interviews Floor 93, the only radio program that gave notes. In my case (and I suppose many kids in the suburbs) the rounds were a sort of gateway to critical thinking. Discussions to "philosophical" about the meaning of thought-provoking lyrics and that in part I owe it to the round and some rock culture in general. Very different and of course with much more space than the culture that "condemns" the suburbs for most of the kids (cumbia villera, Tinelli and the People's Daily), culture today is "aestheticized" by some Peronist intellectuals as the ultimate expression of "poor urban core."
And all that "militancy" ricotero had his reasons, not just playing the best rock, but they were rebels. Independence was his trademark and the poetry of the lyrics was no rebellion, whether against bourgeois morality and condemnation of drugs and the institutions of the "system." And all this done with the best rock and role. That was the covenant, that was what they expressed rounds of youth and youth want that the round.
Walter's death on that fateful April 91 and particularly the disproportionate reaction of the band before the murder, was a first turning point, a shadow over the idols. The Syms acid always told him bluntly: "Indian, killed one guest of yours in your door and you did not do anything" . And we hated the lumpen Syms, but became more difficult to defend the Indians (except the "head trash" that there is and many) and we knew there was some truth to that accusation lapidary Today we see the Indian
saying he spoke with "Hannibal" because it is a ricotero par excellence and he is happy with Cristina's speeches at the UN, just days after allies who support this government have been killed Mariano Ferreyra and two members of the community Qom in Formosa.
Our reading of "All a stick", "Everything is political prisoner" or "October Fires" was not just that.
believe that the attraction or the taste for expressing an aesthetic work is not directly connected with the political stances of the artist, the work can be "revolutionary" or high "expression of his age" or even advance the future, although the artist's individual political positions are of the most reactionary (Borges is perhaps the most complete example of this "contradiction"). But in the case of rounding, the rebellion was part of the "covenant" and the art of rock and role, no doubt, the best that gave this country was crossed by the call for resistance and a clear political position before the system.
But beyond the artist, as I believe that in this case, almost becomes independent of his work (or the best of his work), does not deny the character of the work was (and is). Patricio Rey and Ricotta Redonditos expressed a time or young people who wanted "survive" to a time of poverty and cultural shallowness. So we let the Indian "tweeted" with Anibal, mind Nestor and Cristina celebrates ... We can still enjoy Ji, Ji, Ji and continue to encourage the "Fires of October."
And all that "militancy" ricotero had his reasons, not just playing the best rock, but they were rebels. Independence was his trademark and the poetry of the lyrics was no rebellion, whether against bourgeois morality and condemnation of drugs and the institutions of the "system." And all this done with the best rock and role. That was the covenant, that was what they expressed rounds of youth and youth want that the round.
Walter's death on that fateful April 91 and particularly the disproportionate reaction of the band before the murder, was a first turning point, a shadow over the idols. The Syms acid always told him bluntly: "Indian, killed one guest of yours in your door and you did not do anything" . And we hated the lumpen Syms, but became more difficult to defend the Indians (except the "head trash" that there is and many) and we knew there was some truth to that accusation lapidary Today we see the Indian
saying he spoke with "Hannibal" because it is a ricotero par excellence and he is happy with Cristina's speeches at the UN, just days after allies who support this government have been killed Mariano Ferreyra and two members of the community Qom in Formosa.
Our reading of "All a stick", "Everything is political prisoner" or "October Fires" was not just that.
believe that the attraction or the taste for expressing an aesthetic work is not directly connected with the political stances of the artist, the work can be "revolutionary" or high "expression of his age" or even advance the future, although the artist's individual political positions are of the most reactionary (Borges is perhaps the most complete example of this "contradiction"). But in the case of rounding, the rebellion was part of the "covenant" and the art of rock and role, no doubt, the best that gave this country was crossed by the call for resistance and a clear political position before the system.
But beyond the artist, as I believe that in this case, almost becomes independent of his work (or the best of his work), does not deny the character of the work was (and is). Patricio Rey and Ricotta Redonditos expressed a time or young people who wanted "survive" to a time of poverty and cultural shallowness. So we let the Indian "tweeted" with Anibal, mind Nestor and Cristina celebrates ... We can still enjoy Ji, Ji, Ji and continue to encourage the "Fires of October."
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