Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm In Agony Following Meniscus Repair

The "new" bourgeois victims (or even conceal the class character of genocide)

We had seen some time here , when the government launched its "media blitz" about the case Clarín Newsprint began circulating elements for a new story on the causes and consequences of genocide. Recently we saw question is resumed, all from a publication of "multimedia" official. There is no doubt that is an ideological-political line down from the government, which also created a special unit to investigate "crimes against humanity in economically motivated" . Should we understand this attempt at a new hegemonic narrative about the dictatorship, as part of rotation CFK right that has been carrying out fast?.
The goal is simple: completely erase the class character of genocide . Or even more, argue that the dictatorship was not "only" against workers, students and popular sectors, but included among the victims of many capitalists to whom they were expropriated their business. They speak of a number will surpass 600. So pompously announced that " A new stage begins in the process of memory, truth and justice in Argentina. Under Secretary for Human Rights Protection, Luis Alen " The dictatorship had a clear objective: to establish a defined economic model for which it was necessary to discipline a population through terror. While such repression is focused on progressive activism, also affected many business . "
subtly use the same speech that was based on several trials genocidal character, or rather, that the crimes committed by the military were "in the context of genocide." This was a breakthrough, which cleverly managed to incorporate human rights lawyers (especially Ceprodh and Justice Now!) To impose higher sentences on the few military courts. But as bourgeois legislation, national or international law is unclear, and could not ever clear the true character or class of genocide, now I intend to use to impose their class conciliation content to a new rewrite of that part of history.
A Wikipedian definition (but I think in general right) said " means genocide any acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such with a particular purpose. These acts include death and injury to physical or moral integrity of members of the group, killing or taking measures to prevent births within the group. With these basics more or less could be framed within the figure of genocide, the conviction of Etchecolatz for example. But "laclausianos" Kirchner found this to be an "empty signifier" and that within the "national group", when all evidence shows that predominates overwhelmingly working class, try to incorporate new sectors of the bourgeoisie (nothing more and nothing less than 600) among those who suffered the genocide.
Thus, the dictatorship would have been the tool of a reactionary bloc : financial capital, some multinational companies, the "oligarchy" that would come to settle a "historical bloc" progressive : the working class, progressive intellectuals, the popular sectors, which now amount to a "mythical" national "bourgeoisie? also was a victim, all to impose a new economic model.
Famous national bourgeoisie "progressive" who come looking for since the very birth of Argentine capitalism, as Stalinists, Maoists, as Peronist all colors, always have a problem "missed appointment" when the call desperately in times of revolution and counter, for now it would have been "liquidated" by the dictatorship and as much a victim as the working class and popular sectors.
This new story Stalin-but-Kirchner, is less credible at this point in the new century and after over 200 year history of the national bourgeoisie actually exists.
had already analyzed here the "stories" that were imposed from dictatorship to this part: first, the story itself of the murderers and their legitimate war against subversion second theory of two evils Alfonsin, third to claim a heroic militant generation, but one hundred percent wrong, and finally, what we called the "fourth story" that gets the shaft in the class character of the genocide that came to a huge stop upgrade worker who questioned the very foundations of capitalism and his regime. The facts and the goals that were imposed repressors show that the latter is the interpretation that explains the background of the causes and consequences of the dictatorship.
The "Kirchner of origins" and its base, the co-opted human rights organizations and some progressive intellectuals and nac & pop, have generally adopted the arguments of the third story. In response, the books of Ceferino Reato (Operation Traviata "and the recent" Operation Scoop ") attempt to revive the second story, even coming very close to first.
For the government and its scribes had hitherto heard only praise for the "wonderful young people", then came the "operative flushing of face "of the new armed forces and now it seems I add a" heroic bourgeoisie. "Missing that 678 starts to show life history of bourgeois patriots who made silver laburando his life" for some bad military come to rob them of everything (and in part was made of Graiver).
Veintitres In the same journal, Alen confesses that " While many of the victims had already made their claim against former President Raul Alfonsin were compensated , Alen makes a difference: "One thing is the equity issue and a criminal's face. We investigated the latter: the criminal responsibility of the dictatorship with economic purpose ". That is, first these "good fellow" bourgeois did not go to the Plaza with the Mothers to demand justice, but to see the late Alfonso sleeve twine and second, the government according to his spokesman Alen, wants to use this with a political and ideological purpose.
History has judged and harshly to those who dreamed of a revolution in military hand bourgeois nationalists and liberals. This story of class conciliation "backwards", that is intended to victimize some good bourgeoisie expropriated by capitalists and military bad, is not just another story Chinese.
do not deny that in the war against the working class, the military and the bourgeoisie have had problems in its "front" and some took advantage of a state power to do business and even individuals have been victims bourgeois. But if the third story hid working insurgency against the preparation of the coup, the new aims to make it "disappear", throwing populist land - on the necessary bourgeois historical truth.
comes very well remember the phrase that one of the most heroic martyrs who had the international working class, spat in the face of the court to condemn to death for defending the rights of the working class: "I do not capitalists individual combat, to combat the system that gives the privilege. My most ardent desire is that workers know who its enemies are and who their friends . Everything else deserves my contempt (...) "


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