Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lic Mony Plus 180 What Can I Do

"Cordoba is moving ..." (Notes on the political scene Mediterranean)

National and Popular
The week was moved to the Learned. The adoption of the new Reform Provincial Education Act, amid repression and arrested , opened a political crisis local Peronist with the national government and showed the contradictions that have the intent of "kirchnerizar" to Peronism Cordoba and Schiaretti. And most utopian toad still adorn the Gallego De la Sota.
However, this crisis brought to light the contradictions and changes in political situation of the province, which have been developing for some time.
The emergence of young high school this year, questioning the interference of the companies and the attempt to introduce religion in education, preceded by a large diversity movement that moved the adoption of equal marriage law showed that "egalitarian aspirations" that travel to Argentina after 2001 arrived or rather began to speak in the streets of Córdoba, where in 2001 as a milestone of popular mobilization was not so relevant in Buenos Aires. These egalitarian aspirations and believes that Kirchner wants to believe they are a "self-creation" are really deep legacy of the revolutionary days of 2001 , the Kirchner (and growth) achieved passivated, but not settled. The movement of the homeless, was the arrival on the scene of one of the most neglected sectors of the working class. Introducing a totally salutary factor in the "pax" under the government of Cristina Kirchner sought to establish the joint force controlled for white workers, social pact, crumbs eaten by inflation with a large dose AUH and artists "committed "(ie olfas) and waaaay 678. Subcontracted workers who were in the concourse, opened the door to even further down: indigenous peoples to land and call for the urban poor who require housing. The first responses were "duhaldista" killings of members of the community Qom in Formosa and immigrant youth in American Indian Park. Many militants
K. realized that the "model" reaches for the few and the passivity that remained for a long time these sectors, the most exploited among the exploited, you start to finish. Suburbs or Manolo B ., Who admire and banks to mayors, according to them by the particular "merit" to keep at bay those most disadvantaged sectors will have to start thinking about new arguments, because these "Problem solvers" (as they call "Peronist" to the defectors from the mayors) julep stuck a barbarian with the possibility of extension of the shots, as well as have here.
But back to Cordoba, the interesting thing is: what for the government of Cristina means a clear "right turn" (to agree with De la Sota, Boudou Capital, IMF), Cordoba for the Peronist the need ally with the national government as a way of sucking the unity of Peronism, as well as continue to receive resources for campaign work, means a movement (or some movements) clockwise otherwise. (Note for the sects we know, are two bourgeois governments, the question is to think what are the specific differences that can be exploited by those below, as was the vote of the Education Act).
The question that was made from the same government repression, leading to open an investigation and in record time the release of prisoners, imposed by the mobilization, but where's lawyers also declined HR agencies K. are made fairly new in Córdoba.
Our hypothesis is that the top (by the mutual needs of national and provincial government) and below, by the emergency youth and other "actors", Córdoba is changing. The reign of "neoliberalism Menem (who imposed all governments, whatever the political sign) and crossed to all institutions: parties, trade unions, to the same university and even large sectors of society, you start hitting a Córdoba in which there are elements of Argentina after 2001. In the electoral context that opens, this can lead to court, but our analysis seeks to go further in changing ideological, cultural, political and even generations, of those who take notice, to define a strategic revolutionary project. ;
spoken of a possible unification of the CGT, is attached to Dragún (SMATA) with Leyria (Luz y Fuerza), under the auspices of Moyano, this is a major change in a guild (SMATA) that "educated" to their base on the idea that Light and Power are the "left-handed." Blows to the national Church, have a greater relevance in the "Córdoba of the bells" and not only was questioned during the discussion on equal marriage, then thousands of students chanted for months on the streets "outside the church our desks. " The loss of authority of this institution in a province where you have (had) a specific gravity greater, must be seen also as a sign of these times.
's win list unresponsive bureaucracy and references of the class left in the election of delegates VW body, some say also on the assumption that we want to test.
'll see if the hypothesis is confirmed and settle these contradictions. In the case of approval of the Education Act broke openly. Obviously, this all makes sense if and only if the "bottom" know how to make these contradictions to denounce the whole scheme, their governments and the interests they defend and propose a bold political project. Our modest contribution, we believe it was very important nowadays. Expressed this time brave fellow who not only showed endurance, but above all, political acumen to convert the spot won the fight, on a platform to denounce the repression of some and the complicity of others. The law was passed with votes schiarettistas and Kirchner, where McCarthy's speech against the mobilization of students ("minority groups") did a representative K., thereby justifying repression. This left "treading air" (if not otherwise) to the center K: local political representatives supported the bill, its grassroots organizations are torn between going or not going to release the were arrested and dangerous "prisoners" (not Harnessed), but the political alliances his political boss intended to Cordoba. And not for nothing was the recognition by many of the consistent attitude of the protesters, including the most serious on the left.
paraphrase, the inability to start up and down to not wanting , and this opens the possibility of seizures with opportunities to emerge more strongly a political alternative independent of the working class and popular sectors.


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