Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sore Throat Hard To Swallow No Other Symptoms

The "bourgeoise in flames," Peronism and the working class "deployment or retraction? (A response to Manolo B.)

" When the bourgeoisie waiver knowingly and obstinately to resolve problems arising from the crisis of bourgeois society guese, when the proletariat is not yet ready to take on this task are the students who occupy the proscenium. In developing the first Russian revolution, we have observed this phenomenon more than once, this phenomenon has always been for us a huge significance symptomatic. This activity or semi-revolutionary, bourgeois society means that the deep crisis. Petty youth, feeling that an explosive force builds up in the masses, tends to find your way exit this quagmire and further promote the political development ".
L. Trotsky, Letter to the editor of Counter. June 13, 1930
Manolo B. d ice that mobilizations of thousands of students we saw in London is an expression (some more) of the "ideological bankruptcy of the really existing hegemony." And the crisis of globalization (which is not the final crisis of capitalism, makes it clear), devices resistance moved or are moving to the organizations 'labor aristocracy', no more the unemployed or the MMSS. Said that, as in 20/30, the Popular Front or Frente Class is what is being discussed (as if we had not seen where they ended the Popular Front in Spain and France, to name a few)
And " confesses: " The P're trying to add to anyone who wants to add, because" we believe "we are in full retreat since 2007, due to the international situation."
agreed that "although there is broad space of divergence in the analysis, we can agree on several of the "symptoms" :
1/La "ideological bankruptcy" is a product of the "crisis of globalization", which is the crisis of capitalism if the "Final" or not depends on the class struggle and who "impose the political line", as stated here do not believe in any automation and catastrophism objectivist and as explained LT "The capitalist equilibrium is a complicated phenomenon, the capitalist system constructs that balance, break it, rebuild it and breaks it again, widening, by the way, the limits of their domain. In the economic sphere, these constant disruptions and restorations of equilibrium take the form of crises and booms. In the sphere of relations between classes, the imbalance is to strikes, lock-outs, in revolutionary struggle. In the sphere of relations between states, the imbalance is war, or, more insidiously, war of tariffs, economic warfare and blockade . Then capitalism has a dynamic equilibrium, which is always in the process of rupture and restoration. At the same time, such a balance has great resistance force, the best evidence we have of her is that there is still a capitalist world "
2 / We agree that national governments and their" dominant minorities "are discussing strategies that may include the suppression , a trade war and the setting. The point is the results and if their actions do not produce more seizures and other types of breach of "balance" in the context of a weakness of all the types of reforms (including P, = ). But see France " Will of majority of workers and youth to say enough, if not pass the pension reform, (first of a series of reforms and attacks that involve a qualitative leap in the worsening conditions of life) has changed the air of these times. This change is deep and is difficult to dissolve with the end of this stage which may show that Sarkozy has won, but at what cost! ". The cabinet reshuffle (made the weekend!) By removing all Fillon beginning and then replacing them all, starting with Fillon, are symptomatic of a certain disorientation.
"Now, that P. since 2007 are trying to add to whatever comes because are in "retreat" (here joined a bean with a "heavy duty" of those, the Gallego de la Sota), does what the working class is in retreat?. The triumph of the Rock (these are not just "labor aristocracy") and made "against" the union bureaucracy has no smell "retreat." For us, the outsourcing of the Rock are part of a process that begins with the recovery of gymnastics association in 2003/2004, the rise of "grassroots unionism" (internal Garrahan, Subway, Kraft, Pepsico and several other internal North, and developing a broad base delegates Telephone combative, SMATA, UOM, Charts), minorities "intense" and stands for agitation to the entire working class, which overall growth is continuing and passivity, the point is when symptoms start of the crisis. That has worked for some time, it is true that some "T" turned to the MMSS is not our case, the PTS, which did not run after fashion and not we listened to T. Negri, so our best known achievement is Zanon ceramics union, and now Kraft and Subway.
words on the deployment or redeployment, is more comparable to us (and as any comparison has limits) with 60s., With the 76/77. With less radicalization in the methods, because the scheme is another, but now left with less reform activist and a tip: Trotskyism taking their place in the scene. 76/77 chewed in the dust of defeat, after the direction of the front passed through petty variants ("Marxist" and Peronist), who refused, failed, to develop experience working with the Peronist movement that began to face (June / July). That is, more similar to when Walsh wrote Who Killed Rosendo?, When prepared the documents "disappointed" by criticism of the driving, which at that point would send anyone (documents cited by MB and that he says are in effect today as the foundation a retreat to Peronism).
- Finally, it is true that in college, and student demonstrations of London, something corporate, but also something "symptomatic" in the sense of the quotation above LT. Was more evident in France, high school students (secondary) were the most radical in the fight against .... the pension reform. In Argentina, the shots in Buenos Aires and Cordoba, some of it expressed, the construction problems are in years. And all this before (and in Cordoba against) the "youth K". There is an emergency youth and difference, in Argentina, is that there is a policy of attempted co-optation by the state (with militant speech) to add it to the "Armed" but with "little to offer." Here was rapid disenchantment of the new "Youth wonderful" when closed ranks with the champions of soybean country (the "Gringo" and "Gallego), settlement announced live and direct on the screens, with Renault manager luxury witness ("to hell with the mystical"!). High school and college youth can be a little more than "seed". Greetings


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