Thursday, November 18, 2010

Writing A Letter Of Reconsideration For Apartment

Omar Dragún - Sec Gral SMATA - Córdoba

Defeat of the bureaucracy in Volkswagen de Córdoba

(La Verdad Workers - No. 401) As this book was the count of the election body of delegates at the Volkswagen factory in Cordoba. An extensive list of independent representatives of the bureaucracy, which includes sectors combative, defeated by a wide margin (830 votes to 620) to the list who responded to the bureaucracy of Miranda and Omar Dragun. Thus, the new body of delegates from 18 members is composed entirely of representatives of the opposition.
The winning list exceeded maneuvers bureaucratic leadership wanted to change the historical form of election of delegates by sector and calling in a very short time, a choice list "sheet", ie the winning list is left with the whole body of delegates. The leadership of SMATA wanted to get rid of opposition delegates and especially the militant sectors, which had been gaining among workers. The play "all or nothing" of the bureaucracy he went very wrong: his list was swept and was left without representatives in the new body of delegates.
is a win against a leadership that has been questioned since the great struggle of contracted and Gestamp Iveco (2009) led by Hernán Puddu delegate, who was expelled by a Congress SMATA trout and is now pursued by the company and is fighting for his reinstatement. This leadership also was divorced, when delegates will respond cowardly attacked the officer Sergio Folchieri last year.
is an important step and a responsibility of the new body of delegates, for the entire workforce SMAT, on the way to recover the workers' organizations at the hands of leaders as pro Dragún employers and company and to put truly at the service of the struggle of workers.


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