Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Do You Tell Fake Titleist Ap 2


speak of a place where
meet alone without having made an appointment,
not know their addresses and telephone numbers

but know that there are,
again, every Friday.
look and embrace,
relieved and smiling,

bitter clash their glasses and invent conversations
to say nothing of what bothers
in the center of the chest,
than it hurts. I mean a

perceptible only to ghosts who have tried seriously wounded

desolation in all languages, are assumed guilty

without very clear what they are charged,
superstitions that have more faith.
go there again every time,
reinvent themselves
thousand times to see if one of those
they get something better than they are, but deep

know that "hope" is a word that
not allowed to pronounce.
(and thank goodness!)

talk about that corner in San Telmo, tango
from Plaza Dorrego and rock argento
the corner.
speak like a spectator, as if he could forget

I am, too, the protagonist,
that this place is home to my house and those people

more family than my family.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It Came Out Of My Nose


talks to rent balconies.
boredom. boredom.
pulse. deadlock.
anxiety. relaxation.
shyness. dilated desire.
separate mouths. stupidity.
fire on the edge. fire in the center.
expected. plans. flight.
history. policy. anarchy.
bar. desolation. loneliness.
night. grapes. malta. poetry.
despair. sadness. euphoria.
time consuming. verb tenses.
names. personal pronouns.

I, you, him.

your guitar.

us, you, them.

curse. them.

ecstasy. excesses. ends.

or simply nothing.

can say many things
a full ashtray.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pocket Rocket Bike Turbo Kit



Cristian Lévano achieved with its new comedy The mysterious murder of Clown You, released in CAFAE Auditorium San Isidro, achieved some noticeable signs of maturity stage, then to stage three interesting and very special productions. With clear influences from the theater of the absurd, Ionesco and Beckett, this young author and director tells the story of three grotesque clowns: the daunting Payuya (Yasmin Londoño), the wayward Piyoyo (César Golac) and veteran Poyuyu (Alfredo Lévano , father of the director), who try to solve the mysterious murder of colleague's title assembly. But solving the mess is not important, as valuable as the staging is hilarious investigation starting these three characters, representing all the murder suspects, which include themselves.

Many features of the universe proposed by Lévano throughout his short but valuable dramatic production are present in the play: the young clowns counterpoint to the duo remind anyone - Other in What did Diego Diaz ? (2007), the virtual presence and physical absence of the central character, as in Dana (2008), the theatrical game in which the same characters in the play take other hat as Francisco (2010 .) In The Mysterious ... be seen a consolidation of the Laboratory Theatre by the director, the actors go through a process that enriches the staging, guided with a sure hand to tap the strengths of each performer.

The performances again characterized by their fluidity and soundness, especially the hilarious Lévano, all supported by an austere production (racks, scenic elements), but consistent with the assembly, which seeks to be urban and adefesiero at a time. Surprisingly little makeup used in the clowns (in Francisco was used per tonne). The characters they play the clowns are very well defined, but the grandfather sold raffle novelero mother needed some adjustment in characterization and diction, respectively. The use of multimedia projector (with some spelling mistakes in the texts) concludes conveniently mounting. The Mysterious ... Cristian Lévano confirmed as an interesting writer director, who must be given for the future.

Sergio Velarde
February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Floating Foil Boat With Pennies


PINOCCHIO: the eternal problem of children's theater

Like every summer takes place in these days the 10th Festival of Theatre for Children , organized by the North American Peruvian Cultural Institute (ICPNA) in Jr. your local Cuzco Lima Center. Serve this event to reaffirm, in accordance with the colorful array of shows being offered, the battered state it is our children's theater, with a really creative poverty concern and criticism by Sara Joffré: "ought to get off billboard. " Well apart from a few notable exceptions, many works children (but none of this festival) become the great "resourcefulness" to unscrupulous producers, with colored rags, a CD and a DVD of Walt Disney, perpetrated inexcusable assemblies in record time, with the only end to fill their pockets.

This year at least, we can find some surprises in the Festival with two curious adaptations: the story Scandal in Bohemia Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, about the smallest one of the most famous detectives in literature universal, Sherlock Holmes, by the group Vaudeville Productions, and the animated film Anastasia : a journey time ago, staged by Kumdha Productions. The Peruvian drama is an opportunity here with the beautiful snake César Vega Herrera Productions and Cassandra, and The Princess and the Dragon , directed by Diego Zamora and Contraelviento group. The storyteller, so fashionable today, are also present with the group more of us. The absolute champion of children crossing universes, Jorge Moncada, attacks with Princesses in Lazy Town, which brings together on one stage none other than Stephanie, Sportacus, Cinderella, Snow White, Little Mermaid, Mickey and Minnie mice, Pepe Grillo, a fairy, a prince and even the evil Jafar. Something for everyone and nobody complains. They could be missing the classics, those stories that seemingly never go out of fashion: the veteran producer and Vicky Paz Piper of Hamelin , this time with music including Michael Jackson (!) Sender Productions with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio and Alelí Theatre.

Just this last work is what touches me summarize: the story of the wooden puppet made by the Fairy Godmother in a child of flesh and blood when he learns the value of truth, is staged in the hands of director Lévano Alfredo, who plays several roles on the set, including Grandpa Gepetto. With greater security in the letter, required technical tests and recommended inclusion of an actor, the general assembly could take flight. And if the kids pay attention to the end is by the work of Cristian Lévano charismatic actor in the lead role. Special mention the terrible education of the smaller theater, which is the direct responsibility of parents and teachers in full swing and despite the recommendations, children were switched phones, drinking soda and eating sweets, talking, when not shouting, interrupting the show , and invaded the stage full view of their accompanying adults, who spoke casually or cell phone or tried unsuccessfully to silence their young children under 4 years. The issue of children's theater remains alarming and it is the duty of artists try to do something about it.

Sergio Velarde
February 22, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cubefield Game Online At Primary Games


AS BLOOD FLOWER: warm tribute to the poet from Granada

Not long ago put on the table the brutal existence of some clever theatrical producers, who unscrupulously cheated the public, providing for a ride, selling features of classical authors, without any artistic and aesthetic care, educational institutions with the sole purpose of profit. And poor Federico García Lorca is one of the most preferred. However, some works such as Blood Wedding Miguel Pastor or The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife of Juan Carlos Diaz, made it clear that other shows can be mounted without betraying decent Lorca English author. And now, beginning in 2011, it is the turn of Lorca himself to star in their own work. This responsibility fell on the director Alberto Isola and the playwright Eduardo Adrianzén, who debuted as flowers Blood: The passion of García Lorca Auditorium ICPNA in Miraflores, and while their stage show is clean and care, does not generate the whirlwind of emotions that the author of accomplishment with his own dramatic production.

Already much has been said (and written) of the controversial statement by any of the directors of the central character in the story: Federico García Lorca, generating supporters and detractors alike. And is that while the supporters can see closely the author and find out the motivations that led remarkable results in their dramatic production (his love affairs with artists of his generation and his complicated relationship with his mother), the detractors do not condone efforts to present it as a consummated homosexual simple and fearful (as his cowardice when captured by the dictatorship of Franco). The truth is that, quite apart from the impeccable characterization of actor Franklin Dávalos, treatment is given in the assembly is perfectly valid, since as shown in the playbill, this is a historical work, but fictional in terms of the interpretation of the characters.

As theatrical, Isola resolve the mounting with a sure hand, but without risk, with a simple set design and lighting that uses the stage space. The humor is completely absent in the assembly. The choreography, with actors wandering in circles, setting the pace of the staging. Breaking the fourth wall, invading the seats Lorca, is dispensable. All performances are effective, well controlled and no excesses, no surprises that provide insight into the characters. Lorca's homosexual encounters with her lovers on duty did not cause surprise or scandal at this point (as it did the same author a few years ago in the skin Demons, directed by Diego La Hoz). Adrianzén limited to a linear narrative of the Lorca's life, punctuated by notable nod to the author's dramatic production, from the Blood and Flowers that give title to the assembly, to the transformation of the mother in Bernarda Alba (both characters emblematic of the universe Lorca). Except in the latter part of the work, in which Lorca confronts her mother for the last time after being captured by General Franco, the true emotion successfully frozen, mainly thanks to the actions and Alberick Sofia Rocha García, respectively. Blood and Flowers: The passion of García Lorca is a good show, but it is exciting, entertaining, but not exciting, it's a warm but dignified tribute to poet Granada, not to exceed some of his classic works that depict with greater accuracy within the dizzying world that characterizes it.

Sergio Velarde
February 20, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Type Of Women's Vergina


SPECIES: the ambiguity of love

In line provocative in their assemblies, the Open Space group released last year Species, dramatized by Sara Joffré and same group, led by Diego La Hoz. Got the audience awards for Best Play, Director and Supporting Actress in Critical blog The Office, for Best Work in the Central Coast Regional Show and is a finalist in the National Show this year. Based on media reports, the staging is documentary, recreating six cases of pedophilia, in order to raise awareness in the viewer on this difficult subject, full of despair, anxiety and fear of those most affected: the children. This ambiguous "love" felt by the perpetrators on the scene is exposed more starkly formal yet (judging by the costumes of the four interpreters), and the work can be considered as the scene of complaint, despite searching, according to the position of the group, only reflections on the public to take the ideological position you want.

By way of an exercise in theater, actors use an item of their clothing (bags, sunglasses, scarves) to characterize the victims and perpetrators of each case and then address the public to clarify any details or give any information relevant, always reminding us that the abuses and crimes committed were real. Very recognizable Joffré Sara pen in the work. Clean work of Omar Del Aguila, Betzabeth Misme, Jonathan Oliveros and Joseph Palomino, very precise in its implementation stage. The director Diego La Hoz assembly achieves strong and fluid, with some touches of humor, grateful, focusing on the performance of the actors, who use only four seats and four newspapers to create environments and define spaces. Species not betray the group's online Clearance and confirms one of the most exciting theater groups in the middle.

Perhaps the only objection might be made to work, is background rather than form: understanding pedophilia as an "outsider" type of love (as stated in the playbill) is very difficult even consider, as this sexual disorder deserves the unanimous rejection by the viewer. Of course, the meaning of love is "all the feelings that bind one person to another, and these feelings may not necessarily be good, but the word itself inevitably results in a pure and clean connotation, completely lacking in staging. And that is the position of the group about pedophilia is clear and convincing, especially when the actors are directed to the public within the same assembly, showing the annoyance on their faces and gestures to explain the scenes. It is (still) very difficult to find "love" in Species , named just to consider childhood pristine and unblemished as an endangered species.

Sergio Velarde
February 18, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Homenaje a Mario Benedetti por Daniel Sartori y Mariana Kruk.

just you left,

a Sunday afternoon in an apocalyptic fall.

left the road strewn with lyrics that will bloom forever,
but alas! also, the old trickster,
shivering many blank pages.

who will now entertain the joy?
who will defend it so cold?

voids ahead without you, Mario.
knead for ever the dream of a hug.

today I believe that there is a heaven, and that it
, Light, you take his hand.

May 17, 2009.

Icythyosaurs Were Aquatic Dinosaurs


where there was fire

hugo happened. Hugo was

where there was fire. Hugo
fire and there.
fire had said.
was hugo,
in my heart.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can Autistic People Have A Driver's License


A GIFT JUAN IN HELL: Cattone never disappoints

Can consider Cattone and eternal Osvaldo Marsano theater as a pillar of our independent theater? Understanding the term "independent" as the control all by an artist about his work, as they are. Since the 70's Teatro Marsano has been presented, with varying degrees of success, a range of entertainment of all caliber: dramas, comedies, musicals, but always with the unmistakable stamp of the Argentine actor and director, who becomes certainly in an example of dedication and sacrifice to his greater calling: the performing arts. And despite having some critics, and a number of followers, it is undeniable that Cattone theater has survived throughout history in good shape, despite strong competition from some rooms.

"A Don Juan in Hell" , piece Argentine playwright Luis Agustoni, places us at the scene hidden in the eyes of the viewer who comes to see a play: the clubhouse, where they aired the intimacies of the actors, in this specific case, the fall play's protagonist Don Juan. The strained relationship with his wife and son, complicity with the wizard, his love affairs with the leading lady and the betrayal of his friend, producer, are some situations that we participate in full theater. The narcissism of the actor fires the drama, if convincing is the strong performance experienced Cattone, who exudes vitality and charisma along the assembly.

During his long career, Cattone always been known for playing characters arrogant, sexist, unfaithful, pedantic and godlike, and in this work gives life to anything less than a superb actor, sexist, unfaithful, pedantic and deified. For this reason it is not surprising that, like a fish in water, Cattone become the big star of the assembly, overshadowing the rest of the cast. Perhaps only Alcóver Regina, Ivonne Fraysinnet, Sonia Oquendo and even Anali Cabrera to give the exact replica of the stage, as in this case or Sandra Bernasconi, and Nicolas Galindo, and Haydee Caceres and Maria Aguirre, and Paul Martin (then order), are at their height, despite their efforts. "A Don Juan in Hell" quintessentially Cattone as an actor, served with a stunning display of theatrical Chalo Gambino and refinement Arana Makhy production. Cattone never disappoints and this seems to be the watchword of this iconic figure of our national theater.

Sergio Velarde
February 14, 2011

Latest Knee Replacement

Review: CHAT

CHAT: those predictable virtual truths

Written in 2007 by Venezuelan Gustavo Ott and directed in Spain by Carlos La Rosa, the CHAT dramatic piece was revived for a brief season after last year submitted under the Call for Aid I Production and Performing Arts Exhibition at the House of Spain. La Rosa is also responsible for Pony (2009), a gentle comedy of the same author, and Ott is one of the most significant contemporary American playwrights today. In CHAT the author shows us the dangers of abuse (and naive) of the Internet as a means of communication, with disastrous results for the characters in the story. And despite the proven virtues of the director, staging can not overcome their previous work, including the remarkable Lock out (2010).

chat (or its equivalent "talk" in English) is one of instant communication conducted via the Internet between two or more people whose main disadvantage of hiding the more intense the true intentions are hidden in the messages. And the author presents a handful of cases in the public domain: the woman who desperately seeking to emigrate to America, the sexual pervert looking to satisfy their base instincts, the vengeful teenager who concocts and executes a murder in her school, the unsuspecting family that pays mothers abandoned by the desired child, the young eager to satisfy your hormonal needs, and the useful idiot recruited by religious subversive. None of these stories have a happy ending, the characters are meant to be the victims "computer" by the huge amount of virtual truths to which they are exposed, but that is something that unfortunately the public sensed from the beginning and not generate the be suspended until the expected outcome.

AND CHAT is full of surprises as an argument not only provides proper practice acting, without going into some issues interest, such as the large amount of personal information available to everyone through social networks like Facebook. Omar Alosilla performances, Cecilia Collantes, Carla Martel and Fito Valles are toiling to give veracity to the staging, but can be even more precise in defining vocal and bodily to the different characters he plays each. The good director Carlos La Rosa, in his eagerness to give impetus to the assembly, the keyboard ignores the middle of the chat between the characters so that they interact "virtually" face to face, but this proposal is not entirely consistent, especially when actors make physical contact or "send" files through pieces of paper. CHAT is not a good work of Gustavo Ott, it is an important work, with some beautiful texts filled with poetry, but that does not have the strength necessary to be a real warning about the terrible dangers that offers our new virtual world.

Sergio Velarde
February 11, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Undigested Food In Stoll

future lied with the "missing" and had a four of hearts

Torrent Guillermo's friend sends us his views on the "brand" new publication for young people of Cordoba K

(changed the picture above because this is more ... "illustrative" (forgive the redundancy). This is a picture of the whole of the, ahem ... "youth" of Cordoba, mentioned the new digital lampoon K (taken from a facebook the participating groups) ... if this is the youth, as will be the "adult industry? hmmmmm

and Trick Envido National joke (and People) *

I had a "pleasant" surprise when I open the mail found the number 0 magazine Envido . I was glad to see the names of the "team", why? Most of the makers of the Journal know them for having fought several years in the Faculty of Philosophy of the UNC and only after several years are encouraged to demonstrate their political definitions.
For example, in the conflict between the Government and the Liaison Bureau, in Filo there was an intense process of discussion and mobilization around the conflict, some government supporters, others (the minority) to the soy and an important sector of the power we proposed a position independent of both sides employers. Unfortunately, these "young" at that time in the group The Quay, had a totally bureaucratic, while the Gaza Residence carried the flags of the University Federation and the tractorazo cacerolazos, Philosophy students saw the flag of our Student Center marches in support of the Government. Obviously this was not discussed at any meeting of the Faculty, much less of the Federation. Meanwhile multiplied discussions and publications and leaflets circulated positions on an event that split water at home and in college. This made all the groups except one, The Quay, who in an underestimation of the total students and idiots is practically the only material that drew were on ... the price of the photocopies!!
This introduction is that the new publication "allegedly" is intended to provide in the membership of the "National People's Project" that began "The Nestor" and continues today "companion Cristina." While they are within their rights to do so, in his college activism, some in the Alefh and others in his successor the platform, were consistently against building a militant student movement to forge unity with the most exploited of the people or workers (both employed and unemployed). Systematically boycotted the meetings because they "were not representative" supposedly. In the last years were devoted to the "thread" university trying to place his partner Sunday Ighina as Dean, representing the wing of Scottismo Nac & Pop.
But in reading the magazine I get a total disappointment, the content of it is totally self-referential own sect, the publication is a lot of pages (over 50) where they spend all the time to praise themselves. It's sad that people with "alleged" intellectual background and have been able to go to college wanting to make a "snapshot" of the political moment the country and are unable to take off the blinders K. To say that I focus on the two notes that are posted at the top that are more political and metaphors trickster. But before we make a clarification to who want to read the magazine, or imagine that you will find the words "outsourced", "rail", "Mariano Ferreyra", "Qom", "Formosa" or "American Indian Park." Who the gift will find the full DVD collection of 6, 7, 8.
We are on order. In the first note of the political mentor of "Democratic Security" which was to send 6 000 gendarmes to Greater Buenos Aires, Horacio Verbitsky, is responsible to explain why this project is essential that the "movement" is a to sectors such as local PJ led by De la Sota, who in 70 was part of the Peronist orthodoxy of Bercovich Rodriguez, responsible, among other things, or Anticordobazo Navarrazo which these days celebrate another anniversary.
Schiaretti De la Sota and have ruled the last 12 years, the province and they always have the interest of business, soy and the Catholic Church. The antecedent occurred last weekend in Santa Fe, leaves no doubt about the right guidance of the National Government as a place close to the PJ apparatus to ensure the reelection of Cristina, regardless of interests represented by these allies. Far from representing the interests of popular sectors, both Cristina, and De la Sota, Reuteman or Scioli, carry forward the maximum Peronist it is essential that the employer is doing well and that this will lead to improved quality of life of the working class. A reactionary utopia.
Unfortunately, removed the magazine who have learned nothing from 1973, a tragedy for the labor movement and popular (channel all the revolutionary energies of the masses behind a bourgeois capitalist project "tactical" with Peron head). This now becomes a comedy. While it is true that both Macri, Duhalde or Carrio, standing at the far right, are outside the government to appear progressive, its government are increasingly removed from their roots, being the bastard son of 20 December. And so we face policies as the already named "democratic security" that includes lower in the age of accountability. Does it say anything about this? Disservice they do to the popular movement and themselves lying on the partnership with De la Sota or Reuteman is just a convenience which these old leaders of the PJ are "used" just to win votes and to "deepen the project."
We find it regrettable that the phrase Verbistky close the note, seeking reconciliation with the sectors that formed the Triple A, says, "Symbolically, the discussions of the last thirty odd years and begin to overcome through the children of both (parental Peronist socialist country), going to the former ESMA: the vision of the past in an act primarily involves a projection into the future. Overcome past conflicts, clashes pose right on the correct lines of division in the present, expand and increase rights for all, I think that these are the bets thing to do. " Given this capitulation, since the PTS and its youth reaffirm our flag: NI OLVIDO NI PERDON!
The other note that we find a total hypocrisy and myopia is the one on "Youth and militancy: renovation of space Cordoba political. " The title is at least pretentious, when in fact speaking of groupings which columns are the demonstrations ... as much ... 15 people. Is not detracting from any political work, but as for some "the lie is the truth," we agree with the General who said that "the only truth is the reality." But the most cynical political phenomenon is that the youth that hit the province during the last 3 months last year is directly ignored. It seems that there were no shots of schools, and the mass marches, assemblies interestudiantiles, or brutal repression that was unleashed on youth mobilized renewing and shook the political space Cordova on the occasion of the adoption of the amendment to the Education Act 8113. In this at least we can recognize consistency, the law opening further education to business and the church was approved with the votes of legislators K, who privileged the electoral calculation unify behind PJ. All for the "operation Cristina 2011.
Youth Cordoba has stood up and left no enticement by the siren song of Project K, peers come PTS struggling hard to make this movement policy is linked to thousands of youth, students and workers across the country who are participants in the workers' struggle and the heroic deeds of Kraft in 2009, and the fight against outsourcing that cost him Mariano Ferreyra life, killed by a partner of Kirchnerism as the bureaucracy of the Union Railway. Thus, the youth of the PTS are pursuing solidarity with workers of the former Federal soap or against the prosecution of Fate delegate Victor Otoboni . Our Córdoba we fight against persecution by the delegate SMATA antibureaucratic "Bocha" Puddu . These last few weeks from Tunisia, Egypt and throughout the Maghreb, we get images and information to throw overboard any idea that people can not be protagonists of their own history, that's the essential difference between those who make this magazine.
While they mourn a millionaire and this is the justification for any tranza with bureaucrats, thugs, and capitalists, we only trust the people organized as an engine of change in history.

* This reflection was done writing and out the news media, in the country of the universal child allowance, the sixth child dies from malnutrition wichi so far this year. Sera that Qom wichi and joined the conspiracy troscoduhaldista for pandering to the oligarchy??

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Little Kid Was Playing Bottomless

fino, filoso.

rain on asphalt,
thin, sharp.
shade makes my house a while ago

no matter what day of the week.
bleeds under the handset and I still hold hope that

back your hand around my waist,
my kiss to your tongue.
limps my heart your name,
increasingly wet, aching
on the asphalt,
thin, sharp.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Yellow Creamy Cm Day Before Af

Jose Leon Suarez: Crime and Punishment (or Ablel F. and the "mark of the hat")

In a book on the thinking of Clausewitz, José Fernández Vega, describes the contractual conception of the modern state and the apparent "shift" of war the inner plane of international relations. In view of this concept clearly bourgeois "the covenant becomes remote the possibility of civil war, but the micro level, the war still beats the contours of society under the guise of crime (...) In the private plane, who commits a crime anyone who violates a contractual consent law he despises the social pact, the threat itself stands as an enemy of both its immediate victim, and, more important, society as a whole represents a threat (...) If for the other members of society is less precise for the commission of an illegal act that involves political consequence: Circumventing the sociability agreed. It is therefore necessary that their action does not go unpunished. The offender declares war on society , and it responds accordingly, not on behalf of individual revenge, but by appealing to speech warrior common defense. The crimninal punishment, social enemy, it is necessary not only to legitimate (...). The offender is primarily a traitor, for his crime, rather than by their lack civil represents a political challenge. Translated
Marxist language, the social compact between classes, which seeks to impose the state is partial and sometimes totally denied by the force (ay!) of the class struggle. Since the crime (a labyrinth in which many Sometimes they express the struggle of the dispossessed to survive), through riots and riots, to the revolutions, question the social order imposed by the bourgeoisie and its state and give overboard with the alleged incorporation of a economic system that declares war the popular majority. Not for nothing the "criminalization" and the nickname of "criminal" comes to protests and social activists.
This deep understanding is the basis of the thought of Abel F ., The speech warrior emerges simulated common defense, but strongly of "lawyer" Peronist with "social conscience", with the challenge not of the crime or crimes committed specifically, but to the possibility that it may be committed. And fear of the " upper and middle classes (see detail, upper and middle first) and the poor in general" (the poor are "general")
this sense, the murder of two youths in José León Suárez at the hands of the police, who killed the threat of possible looting in the formation of a train derailed, the proposal is: more police, better wages. The
"Minister Prince" (or in this case, "the princess") first "analysis" before launching his speech war and says "the deeper problem is social and police." black women are the author wants to emphasize at the outset that no doubt: it is social, but also police.
is social but (the Peronist, but always have their ...) "social policy as best as you can imagine, is not going to change in less than a generation the social deterioration and takes at least 40 years, we also matching security policies. " The little "imagination" of director (Nothing more and nothing less than "organized labor" Capital) condemns us to a generation! For the "social problem" can be resolved. In the head "Hobbesian" Abel F. does not fit the possibility of dividing the hours of work, so they can use the hundreds of thousands of young people who are born, live and die in the marginalization or leave it to subsidize the majors to make a plan public works not only with the problem of work, but also to housing for those many others, among them are those who committed the "crime" of American Indian Park. And that's just to name two emergency measures. I never would think of raising such a utopian proposal Trotskyist in the table of the 62 organizations of the Capital.
course, if the road is to agree with the soy Reuteman , political agreement on the Abel F. is VERY satisfied, the "social problem" is not going to be resolved in "a generation or two and most probably will forever and ever ... ;
So court imagination "social" Peronist intellectual and before the finding (based on very reliable Poll of Artemio L.) that "Our society, upper class, middle and poor generally do not want to tolerate the level of casual violence that these events express " the proposal, not in 40 years, but for now, is: "(...) overturn the state police resources and attention you spend, for example, election campaigns. The police - federal, provincial - should be much larger - which will help in the issue of employment, by the way - better paid, much more controlled.
neither good nor bad, incorrigible, "said an intelligent gorilla .
Despite describing the failure of all plans for "control" of the police who tried so far, the proposed Abel F. is to enlarge the beast and better pay fees, yes, "under control". Someone said utopian?. Both
this State, as the thought of Abel F. defending it have a problem of "Matrix" ... class and both are "incorrigible." Luckily
"imagination" of the younger generation and especially those born to political life after 2001, is much bolder than the "flight gallinaceous (and warrior) of the "intelligentsia" Peronist.