Saturday, February 12, 2011

Undigested Food In Stoll

future lied with the "missing" and had a four of hearts

Torrent Guillermo's friend sends us his views on the "brand" new publication for young people of Cordoba K

(changed the picture above because this is more ... "illustrative" (forgive the redundancy). This is a picture of the whole of the, ahem ... "youth" of Cordoba, mentioned the new digital lampoon K (taken from a facebook the participating groups) ... if this is the youth, as will be the "adult industry? hmmmmm

and Trick Envido National joke (and People) *

I had a "pleasant" surprise when I open the mail found the number 0 magazine Envido . I was glad to see the names of the "team", why? Most of the makers of the Journal know them for having fought several years in the Faculty of Philosophy of the UNC and only after several years are encouraged to demonstrate their political definitions.
For example, in the conflict between the Government and the Liaison Bureau, in Filo there was an intense process of discussion and mobilization around the conflict, some government supporters, others (the minority) to the soy and an important sector of the power we proposed a position independent of both sides employers. Unfortunately, these "young" at that time in the group The Quay, had a totally bureaucratic, while the Gaza Residence carried the flags of the University Federation and the tractorazo cacerolazos, Philosophy students saw the flag of our Student Center marches in support of the Government. Obviously this was not discussed at any meeting of the Faculty, much less of the Federation. Meanwhile multiplied discussions and publications and leaflets circulated positions on an event that split water at home and in college. This made all the groups except one, The Quay, who in an underestimation of the total students and idiots is practically the only material that drew were on ... the price of the photocopies!!
This introduction is that the new publication "allegedly" is intended to provide in the membership of the "National People's Project" that began "The Nestor" and continues today "companion Cristina." While they are within their rights to do so, in his college activism, some in the Alefh and others in his successor the platform, were consistently against building a militant student movement to forge unity with the most exploited of the people or workers (both employed and unemployed). Systematically boycotted the meetings because they "were not representative" supposedly. In the last years were devoted to the "thread" university trying to place his partner Sunday Ighina as Dean, representing the wing of Scottismo Nac & Pop.
But in reading the magazine I get a total disappointment, the content of it is totally self-referential own sect, the publication is a lot of pages (over 50) where they spend all the time to praise themselves. It's sad that people with "alleged" intellectual background and have been able to go to college wanting to make a "snapshot" of the political moment the country and are unable to take off the blinders K. To say that I focus on the two notes that are posted at the top that are more political and metaphors trickster. But before we make a clarification to who want to read the magazine, or imagine that you will find the words "outsourced", "rail", "Mariano Ferreyra", "Qom", "Formosa" or "American Indian Park." Who the gift will find the full DVD collection of 6, 7, 8.
We are on order. In the first note of the political mentor of "Democratic Security" which was to send 6 000 gendarmes to Greater Buenos Aires, Horacio Verbitsky, is responsible to explain why this project is essential that the "movement" is a to sectors such as local PJ led by De la Sota, who in 70 was part of the Peronist orthodoxy of Bercovich Rodriguez, responsible, among other things, or Anticordobazo Navarrazo which these days celebrate another anniversary.
Schiaretti De la Sota and have ruled the last 12 years, the province and they always have the interest of business, soy and the Catholic Church. The antecedent occurred last weekend in Santa Fe, leaves no doubt about the right guidance of the National Government as a place close to the PJ apparatus to ensure the reelection of Cristina, regardless of interests represented by these allies. Far from representing the interests of popular sectors, both Cristina, and De la Sota, Reuteman or Scioli, carry forward the maximum Peronist it is essential that the employer is doing well and that this will lead to improved quality of life of the working class. A reactionary utopia.
Unfortunately, removed the magazine who have learned nothing from 1973, a tragedy for the labor movement and popular (channel all the revolutionary energies of the masses behind a bourgeois capitalist project "tactical" with Peron head). This now becomes a comedy. While it is true that both Macri, Duhalde or Carrio, standing at the far right, are outside the government to appear progressive, its government are increasingly removed from their roots, being the bastard son of 20 December. And so we face policies as the already named "democratic security" that includes lower in the age of accountability. Does it say anything about this? Disservice they do to the popular movement and themselves lying on the partnership with De la Sota or Reuteman is just a convenience which these old leaders of the PJ are "used" just to win votes and to "deepen the project."
We find it regrettable that the phrase Verbistky close the note, seeking reconciliation with the sectors that formed the Triple A, says, "Symbolically, the discussions of the last thirty odd years and begin to overcome through the children of both (parental Peronist socialist country), going to the former ESMA: the vision of the past in an act primarily involves a projection into the future. Overcome past conflicts, clashes pose right on the correct lines of division in the present, expand and increase rights for all, I think that these are the bets thing to do. " Given this capitulation, since the PTS and its youth reaffirm our flag: NI OLVIDO NI PERDON!
The other note that we find a total hypocrisy and myopia is the one on "Youth and militancy: renovation of space Cordoba political. " The title is at least pretentious, when in fact speaking of groupings which columns are the demonstrations ... as much ... 15 people. Is not detracting from any political work, but as for some "the lie is the truth," we agree with the General who said that "the only truth is the reality." But the most cynical political phenomenon is that the youth that hit the province during the last 3 months last year is directly ignored. It seems that there were no shots of schools, and the mass marches, assemblies interestudiantiles, or brutal repression that was unleashed on youth mobilized renewing and shook the political space Cordova on the occasion of the adoption of the amendment to the Education Act 8113. In this at least we can recognize consistency, the law opening further education to business and the church was approved with the votes of legislators K, who privileged the electoral calculation unify behind PJ. All for the "operation Cristina 2011.
Youth Cordoba has stood up and left no enticement by the siren song of Project K, peers come PTS struggling hard to make this movement policy is linked to thousands of youth, students and workers across the country who are participants in the workers' struggle and the heroic deeds of Kraft in 2009, and the fight against outsourcing that cost him Mariano Ferreyra life, killed by a partner of Kirchnerism as the bureaucracy of the Union Railway. Thus, the youth of the PTS are pursuing solidarity with workers of the former Federal soap or against the prosecution of Fate delegate Victor Otoboni . Our Córdoba we fight against persecution by the delegate SMATA antibureaucratic "Bocha" Puddu . These last few weeks from Tunisia, Egypt and throughout the Maghreb, we get images and information to throw overboard any idea that people can not be protagonists of their own history, that's the essential difference between those who make this magazine.
While they mourn a millionaire and this is the justification for any tranza with bureaucrats, thugs, and capitalists, we only trust the people organized as an engine of change in history.

* This reflection was done writing and out the news media, in the country of the universal child allowance, the sixth child dies from malnutrition wichi so far this year. Sera that Qom wichi and joined the conspiracy troscoduhaldista for pandering to the oligarchy??


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