Monday, February 7, 2011

Yellow Creamy Cm Day Before Af

Jose Leon Suarez: Crime and Punishment (or Ablel F. and the "mark of the hat")

In a book on the thinking of Clausewitz, José Fernández Vega, describes the contractual conception of the modern state and the apparent "shift" of war the inner plane of international relations. In view of this concept clearly bourgeois "the covenant becomes remote the possibility of civil war, but the micro level, the war still beats the contours of society under the guise of crime (...) In the private plane, who commits a crime anyone who violates a contractual consent law he despises the social pact, the threat itself stands as an enemy of both its immediate victim, and, more important, society as a whole represents a threat (...) If for the other members of society is less precise for the commission of an illegal act that involves political consequence: Circumventing the sociability agreed. It is therefore necessary that their action does not go unpunished. The offender declares war on society , and it responds accordingly, not on behalf of individual revenge, but by appealing to speech warrior common defense. The crimninal punishment, social enemy, it is necessary not only to legitimate (...). The offender is primarily a traitor, for his crime, rather than by their lack civil represents a political challenge. Translated
Marxist language, the social compact between classes, which seeks to impose the state is partial and sometimes totally denied by the force (ay!) of the class struggle. Since the crime (a labyrinth in which many Sometimes they express the struggle of the dispossessed to survive), through riots and riots, to the revolutions, question the social order imposed by the bourgeoisie and its state and give overboard with the alleged incorporation of a economic system that declares war the popular majority. Not for nothing the "criminalization" and the nickname of "criminal" comes to protests and social activists.
This deep understanding is the basis of the thought of Abel F ., The speech warrior emerges simulated common defense, but strongly of "lawyer" Peronist with "social conscience", with the challenge not of the crime or crimes committed specifically, but to the possibility that it may be committed. And fear of the " upper and middle classes (see detail, upper and middle first) and the poor in general" (the poor are "general")
this sense, the murder of two youths in José León Suárez at the hands of the police, who killed the threat of possible looting in the formation of a train derailed, the proposal is: more police, better wages. The
"Minister Prince" (or in this case, "the princess") first "analysis" before launching his speech war and says "the deeper problem is social and police." black women are the author wants to emphasize at the outset that no doubt: it is social, but also police.
is social but (the Peronist, but always have their ...) "social policy as best as you can imagine, is not going to change in less than a generation the social deterioration and takes at least 40 years, we also matching security policies. " The little "imagination" of director (Nothing more and nothing less than "organized labor" Capital) condemns us to a generation! For the "social problem" can be resolved. In the head "Hobbesian" Abel F. does not fit the possibility of dividing the hours of work, so they can use the hundreds of thousands of young people who are born, live and die in the marginalization or leave it to subsidize the majors to make a plan public works not only with the problem of work, but also to housing for those many others, among them are those who committed the "crime" of American Indian Park. And that's just to name two emergency measures. I never would think of raising such a utopian proposal Trotskyist in the table of the 62 organizations of the Capital.
course, if the road is to agree with the soy Reuteman , political agreement on the Abel F. is VERY satisfied, the "social problem" is not going to be resolved in "a generation or two and most probably will forever and ever ... ;
So court imagination "social" Peronist intellectual and before the finding (based on very reliable Poll of Artemio L.) that "Our society, upper class, middle and poor generally do not want to tolerate the level of casual violence that these events express " the proposal, not in 40 years, but for now, is: "(...) overturn the state police resources and attention you spend, for example, election campaigns. The police - federal, provincial - should be much larger - which will help in the issue of employment, by the way - better paid, much more controlled.
neither good nor bad, incorrigible, "said an intelligent gorilla .
Despite describing the failure of all plans for "control" of the police who tried so far, the proposed Abel F. is to enlarge the beast and better pay fees, yes, "under control". Someone said utopian?. Both
this State, as the thought of Abel F. defending it have a problem of "Matrix" ... class and both are "incorrigible." Luckily
"imagination" of the younger generation and especially those born to political life after 2001, is much bolder than the "flight gallinaceous (and warrior) of the "intelligentsia" Peronist.


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