Thursday, January 6, 2011

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The nature of certain trades, Professor Toer and nonsense "subservient"

Friends of the Observatory answered some issues of this note Mario Toer published in the journal Irigoyen Kirchner government, for our taste very diplomatically. Facundo Aguirre also made his critical here, while writing this article.
There were several discussions in the blogosphere with Peronist as Manolo Bargue or Abel F. or even the same Artemio L. and although almost always impossible dialogues, the exercise of criticism and exchange of arguments results stimulate thinking, sharpening theories, "falsify" hypotheses and rebuild. Of course, all this is when the protagonists, despite licenses for certain Chicano and exaggerations characteristic of a "duel" ideological, intellectual honesty confronted with certain ideas and principles.
That is not the case of "professor" Mario Toer. Your article seems more like a tantrum and kicking against alleged Trotskyists few but intense and do not allow the transformative project "national and popular" now commanded by CFK and "strengthened" by Gildo Insfran, the Gallego De la Sota, Aldo Rico and several mayors Duhalde life is carried forward in "Pax."
Of course, as a university professor and nothing less than political science, must decorate your primal instincts with some pseudo academic definitions. But the pen (or keys) of a lord and obfuscated in years, leaving only real nonsense.
Thus, as defined by Toer " the art of politics involves, at least some capacity for a growing and appreciative audience on the stage in which it is embedded" . So now the politics (and art) ceased to be essentially the struggle for state power (in the case of the Marxists, the struggle to destroy this state and set up another with an opposite-class character and After the beginning of the end of every state) to become a problem of "audience."
Then comes the "richest" of geese Toer professor when he says that Trotskyism had never broken with the premises of the Second International. We're not going to relate to this professor of political science in the history of Marxism, Lenin and Trotsky's struggle against the leaders of the Second International, against their "August 4, when imperialist slaughter sent to the working classes of their own countries in the name of defending the homeland and so declared bankruptcy. Lenin and Trotsky and a handful of revolutionaries in Zimmerwald and Kienta L began laying the groundwork for a new International (the III), which Trotskyism and the Fourth International were continuity. The twentieth century revolutionary Marxism was fighting against the reformism of the Second International and the bureaucracy and the new reform of the III.
But the essence of "argument" Toer, is this statement: " did not understand the transformations of the twentieth century, the full implications of imperialism, much less the nature of conflicts in the peripheries. The strategic proposal, as in Norway, France, Mozambique, Bolivia, will be the same: workers' front "or" against workers. " Never tried to find a main enemy and seek the unity of the people ".
Translate, Toer is angry because the Trotskyists" not understand "that" right "is the main enemy, then Insfrán, murderous union bureaucracy, the Anibal Fernandez duhaldista or turned-Peronist neoliberal "boy" Amado Boudou, Galician De la Sota, the carapintada Aldo Rico, Duhalde as Mussi and other mayors, Menem and Scioli, fall into the categories of "enemy side" and "circumstantial ally ". It takes a true artist of the policy (or a clown academy) for to pass this as a "national and popular transformative politics, at least I could do as Artemio Lopez Peronism became a pure and simple, without many turns.
But Toer falls victim to his own statements, says apropos of time in politics that when a certain period of not achieving the objectives may change jobs. Toer would have to heed their words and focus on something else. The government argues that after 8 years of Chinese growth rates has not solved any of the structural problems of the workers and poor people in Argentina: Menem precarious work and outsourcing, flexibility, lack of homes and land for indigenous people (as they rercordaron who occupied the Indoamaricano and were killed in a joint operation by the Federal and the metropolitan and community members Qom, who ordered to kill the "circumstantial ally, Gildo Insfran) just to name a few issues of "heritage" that this government has not changed in the slightest.
do not deny that certain "Trotskyites" by their actions improvised and guided by the device, give letter to the government as unhappy as Toer to write these things, but the fact that it takes Toer for criticism, the makeshift court on 23 is not just an example of "Trotskyism."
That's exactly why he clings to this action and not talk about the great struggle of Kraft, the example of Zanon and the long struggle of the outsourced workers in the Rock, where the strategy of the partnership working and popular, healthy relationship between militant Trotskyites and auootganización working party, made those struggles in "schools of war" in the Leninist sense, struggles which enjoyed widespread popular support and demonstrated the potential of working hegemony.
Atilio Boron, was arguing with Toer, when the latter even said in another article in the Gazette , something like that Kirchner was a government "more deserved "by the Argentine masses. We had heard the truism that" people have the Governments they deserve ", but what of Toer is an absolute novelty, that after serving the Baldwin Brothers. This would be a government" is more than what they deserve, "the workers and the people. Arguing such a claim in a historical balance of forces in the country's political structure and so on. etc. For Toer the Argentine people deserve a government" worse ", but the good fellow of Nestor gave us more pure philanthropy.
only an "intellectual" do not have to think about where their children go to sleep tomorrow (as those to which his government expelled punteriles methods and computer Indoamericano Macri Park), which do not have to flee landlords who beat up and in Formosa or do not have to work charging half the salary, such as outsourcing, can "theorize" from his comfortable academic desktop (or sometimes "engaged" in talks this coffee as to say general), what the Argentine people "deserve".
know that workers and people deserve much more and this teacher barker all our contempt.


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