Saturday, January 15, 2011

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Interview: JORGE Fien DA

JORGE DA Fien, "lies in the irrational genius"

Back home. After being away for a long period of time tables, the actor, playwright and director Jorge Da Fieno, returned last year to the theater with two hilarious characters in the play Reality Lima 2010 Pipol Chou, who also wrote and directed. "Acting and directing is not a problem for me says Jorge, awarded by the Office Critical as Best Supporting Actor by the said assembly. "The problem is the lack of professionalism of many actors, which fortunately was not the case of this Reality." And is that George, if the test is at a particular time, because at that time to start. "Other players do not commit themselves fully to the work and its characters, that would be the only impediment to do both acting and directing. I put a double to replace me in the trials as I lead, and then I go with everything and armed. "

Successful publicist for some of the most popular campaigns of recent years (SISE, The Monster Computers, etc.), Jorge was formed in Lima Theatre Club, an institution directed by Reynaldo D'Amore for over 50 years. "With Reynaldo was literally" the mess ", I learned to be a" pretty crazy "not to be problems in life and have a way of doing it forever." Teachers were also Sergio Arrau and Eugenia Ende. "With Sergio learned how casual it can be one, to have that degree of madness to laugh at life." Jorge Arrau addressed twice, and remember a text character in the comedy Jacinto Roses and Hyacinths: "Life without madness is not life. " And with Eugenia, Jorge learned body language and the most technical aspect of performing arts. "I always considered myself very disciplined in what I do, I have armed my life plan in the next 10 years, signed with the Lord and all coming true" he said.

On the technique used to build their characters, Jorge says he is an actor "chekhoviano", ie that you customized guidelines for action by Michael Chekhov. "Everything is based on the hypersensitivity" , refers. "Open your senses to the fullest, then arrive at the Joint Psychological character. " For Jorge, the character should start from a "pose" specific, generating a momentum that will give voice and appearance. "There are then two approaches: the kinetic, flowing freely in your instincts, and then, mimicry, which is the rational used to refine the character." The kinetic aspect of character creation is the most important for Jorge. "Therein lies the genius: as irrational." Ends an interview process to the character, to observe and discuss directly.

Among the works that George remembers most affection are the first Reality Lima Pipol Chou, written and directed by himself, with the participation of actors Luis Gustavo Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Diaz and Igor Moreno Rosas hyacinths beside Gonzales, Angelita Velásquez and Mary Grace Cavero; All That Heaven , where he acted, wrote and directed, and Foreign Minister, staged in homage to the maestro Sergio Arrau. "In this work I had the opportunity to play eight characters and to share the stage with Reynaldo Arenas" he recalls.

Inexplicably, Jorge disappeared from the small screen and the stage for a long time. "It was a tough time, economically speaking," he recalls. "My wife Gladys (Hermoza) was very supportive at this time, not only is she a great actress, but my best friend" . During that time, Jorge was devoted, among other things, to write the autobiography of Arnie Huss, until finally he could succeed. "Fortunately, thanks to the Lord, I recovered, I Reality ... and Tribulation series, which worked with the script." Among the immediate projects include the staging of another play written by himself, as well as a journey, which hopes to get more contacts. "I think with a little more humility, things would be much better for everyone," reflects .

Sergio Velarde
January 15, 2011


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