Sunday, April 24, 2011

Funny Facebook Birthday Event Title


STORY AROUND A CIRCLE OF FOAM: risky tribute to Sara Joffré

A major challenge was the one who decided to face this year the group Clearance: tribute to the outstanding Sara Joffré for his tireless work as a playwright, directing a work of authorship that just hit the stage first and only time in 1962, called Story around a circle of foam , led at that time by Alonso Alegría in Lima Theatre Club, and marked the departure of Sara as a major national playwrights. Why this work remained trapped in the role for so long? We could test some hypotheses: Story about a circle of foam came on the scene accompanied by another piece in the garden Monica, who received a greater welcome and acceptance, as evidenced by its many revivals and "excavations", these last performed (or killings by Joy) by the Brazilian group Kaleidoscope. In addition, a critique of that era, published in the Daily Express by Ciro Alegria Story says around a circle of foam "is less successful, have parliaments unnecessary repetitions tables appear, but their findings of expression, the refinement of psychological nuances, outweigh us." We are therefore facing a huge risk that the good manager manages to solve Diego La Hoz, happily, almost entirely.

With minimal installation and care, a stylish wardrobe, a simple and functional elements of the set, and a great credit in their young stage performers (Andrea Chuiman, Karlos Lopez and Jhosep Palomino), this new version of Story around a circle of foam able to adapt comfortably to our time, after almost 50 years, and maintain currency in your message. No red nose clowns, wheat and lettuce, are part of a neighborhood circus and spend their days on a routine basis, but in harmonious friendship, going up and down stairs, and imagining tackle situations they encounter in a drawer. The arrival of Elena, a woman of fragile appearance and very black heels, will create a confrontation between friends. The simple story, with great lyricism and touches of humor, is duly qualified with agile movements and movements of the actors. Some texts repetitive and abrupt end are compensated on the scene for the poetic atmosphere that gives it the director. Perhaps this stylization in the images, which handles the obvious expertise Hoz, distracted by times of major conflict, but does not affect too much the dramatic development of the characters.

But the greatest virtue (according to the words of the director at the end of the function) of this revival too late in the Cultural Center CAFAE-SE of San Isidro, be it to celebrate the life of a tireless and relentless promoter theater such as Sara Joffre. This tale around a circle of foam beyond the risk involved in the choice of work and the development process, becomes the ideal excuse to revisit the beginnings of a playwright committed to our environment, keeping always the same vitality and effort to his greatest passion: theater. A curious fact in the garden Monica, twin sister of this assembly, is also now showing in the AAA. Ideal reason for a future commentary, which convincingly demonstrates the validity of our Sara.

Sergio Velarde
April 24, 2011


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