Thursday, April 7, 2011

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historical objectivity and journalism (a critique of Luis Kempa La Voz del Interior)

effort, not much really, but something hard to write, just because some "collateral damage" of this history, we canceled the "ring" for a while.
But the treatment given to the issue of street gangs in SMATA, the newspaper La Voz del Interior, through the journalist Luis Kempa, deserves an answer and a discussion of "objectivity" in journalism. In
the different genres usually accepted by the press: the news, commentary, opinion piece, the note of color, interview, life history etc etc., arguably the first, the news itself, aims to be the gender more "objective." Even is regulated country or regulated in the "manual of style" classic of journalism, using the famous "five W" (to which some add an "H"). The news should meet five (or six) questions every journalist who seeks "objective" must take account of what, who or whom, where, when, why and how (the "W" and "H" are by writing English). Even the hierarchy of these responses and the order of their appearance in the development of the story, would be determined by the importance that each answer has in each case, if the core is "what happened" should come first, if what matters is " when, "he must first inform this question and so on.
But the discussion of journalistic objectivity is comparable to the debate in relation to historical objectivity is somehow included in the method of the "five W", especially on the question of "why, subject to the Print is very little, ignore me directly misrepresent and this is where "leak" their ideological tendencies often respond to the material interests of the companies (or governments) to those who work.
After all, journalism is a way to write the present history.
On the issue of historical objectivity, someone who once also worked as a journalist (in addition to directing the Russian Revolution, founded the Red Army other details are irrelevant), wrote , "The Philistine, especially when it is separated in time and space from the scene of the fight, it is considered over the warring factions by reason only not understand. Most sincerely believes that her blindness to the historical forces act is the height of fairness, since it is customary to use himself as a normal measure of all things. Despite its documentary value, many historical works are written in accordance with these guidelines. The author who file the rough edges with an even distribution of light and shadow, conciliation moralistic and simulation of their sympathies easily get his historical work that derives from the high reputation of "objectivity."
In this note, Luis Kempa, find the easy way out and "smart" on their way the "objectivity." Takes the place of "Philistine separated in time and space from the scene of the fight and is seen above the warring factions for the sole reason of not understanding." Or, we can add, not wanting to understand.
journalist, it saves the work of understanding (involving research and analyze thoroughly) and fudges, even respecting the method of the "five W", but rather, using a simpler, which responds Of course, the "common sense" and is "to reflect the two bells." Of course, differences, places they occupy and the story completely different and opposite of each of these "bells" of little interest to the journalist "Objective."
Anyone studying the history of the union bureaucracy in Argentina or simply, "if you study a lot of work for the reporter, discuss the events involving street gangs of unions in recent times, with the paradigmatic case of Mariano Ferreyra, murdered by thugs of the Union Railway, concludes that for these characters, should apply in terms shysters what is called "investment test." This is "are guilty until proven otherwise." But even if that "bell" in the voice of the spokesman and leader of the gang, says things like "people are trash" or "only want to generate chaos (any similarity with concepts such as "crazy lefty" or "subversive rats" is not a coincidence), is almost a test, more than any expertise, declared guilty. Thus spoke the Pedraza, the Franchiotti ( between them ") Vandor, and even if we go a little further back. But also, there are the facts about this particular case and on the same subjects, recently, made a fact with similar characteristics.
And last but not least, the same day, a photographer for The Voice went to the place of court and could see and photograph the alleged group of "thugs, armed with chains and sticks," they were really young side, academics, teachers, workers and members of human rights organizations and militant political organizations sympathetic to the cause of the delegate unfairly dismissed.
All this plus "details" as to these real gangsters (who support this government, we made clear because we are far from entering the "war" Clarín-government) are bolted to their chairs for decades and have in their betrayals have denounced by hundreds of workers (or were inventions of "leftist groups"?) of which it , was just one of the latter. These
items at your fingertips with just a "googling", I had allowed the reporter "objective", arriving at different conclusions and therefore a completely different development of the news. And, perhaps, to understand the interests defended by each "bell."
course, if the training of journalists (with which he feels very comfortable) is made with the "style manual" that came out paradigmatic cover "the crisis caused two more deaths." .. we can not expect something different, just say that this has nothing to do with any kind of objectivity, which aims to disguise.


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