Friday, April 1, 2011

Rapid Left Arm Numbness


DEMONS IN THE SKIN: Commendable effort and failed election

When in 2009 premiere of The Lord of the Flies at the Teatro Julieta, director Paco Solís Fuster and his young cast matched pleasantly with a show that could maximize the potential of its performers, the story of a bunch of castaways stranded on a lonely island and its difficult learning to survive. Unfortunately this year, the group in question (called Last Shore) errs in part by choosing an intimate piece, dense, complex and structured monologues based on hard and fierce, who put in much evidence the remarkable effort and little trade of his younger players.

Demons in the skin, term that refers to envejicido wrinkles and misunderstood protagonist, is one of the best works written by Eduardo Adrianzén, which addresses the remarkable life of Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini (Patricio Villavicencio) during the filming of The Canterbury Tales, a minor piece in his films, his relationship with actress Laura Betti (excellent Claudia Berninzon) and the appearance of three young marginal extras appearing in a dream sequence the film, which would be for posterity as one of the most brutal and savage of the seventh art. Superior in many ways, the tribute to Lorca turned out to be like flowers Blood, Demons in the skin of Adrianzén achieved, the hand of Diego La Hoz and an inspired cast, one of the best productions of 2007. And yet he is remembered, so that we can say that Solis took a huge risk by choosing this piece for its revival, which proved a challenge to his hard cast fails to comply fully.

The stage again in Juliet, shows a finished and polished production, with a careful set design and costumes, but with a resource multimedia not entirely clear, especially in the images of a child, which apparently would be the same or Pasolini or fragments of any of his films. The entire first act is by tedious moments, despite the efforts of Villavicencio and Berninzon, with monologues that are guilty of superficial and fail to materialize by the inexperience of the young actors. Fortunately, in the second act, assembly and flight up the best moments happen, especially in the resolution, in which each piece seems to be coherent. This new version of the skin Demons can review one of our best biographical pieces, but makes clear the crucial importance of choosing the right work for human resource which has a theater group, which is the case Cultural Association Last Shore, a group of young people with commitment, dedication, energy and hugely talented yet unpolished.

Sergio Velarde
April 1, 2011


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