Friday, April 29, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Migrate Pokemon

Third Conference on History, Memory and Communication

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


1430 to 15 hours. Accreditation

15 to 18.30 hs. Working Groups

GT1. "Trials of the past, trials of today." Participate
: Best Urday Kristel (UNLP / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru), Barbara Bilbao (UNQ), Magali Chiocchetti (CIC), Florencia Espinosa, Vanessa Manes, Matías Moreno, Jamie Manes, James Giorello, Tamara Camparada (UNLP), Mary Julia Giménez (Universidad Nacional del Sur), Cintia González Leegstra (UNLP / CONICET), Esteban Rico and Martin Gomez (UBA), Marianela Scocco (UNR / SDH Santa Fe). Coordinates: Andrés Bisso (UNLP) and Daniel Bader (UNQ)

GT2. "Malvinas: the war in memory." Participate
: Mirta Amati (UBA) Sandra Di Luca, Daniela Lopez, Lara Cowes (UNLP), Maria Paula Gago (UBA / CONICET), Pablo Francisco Guillin (UNGS), Pablo Javier Melara (UNMdP), nestin
Er Mary Morales (Universidad Nacional de Misiones), Ivan Pablo Orbuch (UBA-UNLu) and Eduardo Estate (UBA / UNGS-IDES / CONICET). Coordinates: Gonzalo de Amézola , Valeria Morra and Luciano Grassi (UNQ-UNLP).

19 hours. Opening Panel.
- Rosana Guber (CONICET). PhD in anthropology. Director, Center for Social Anthropology of IDES. His research focuses on the social memory and the senses of nation with respect to the Anglo-Argentine conflict over the Falklands, and the history of social anthropology in Argentina.
- Florence Levin (UNGS). PhD in History. Director, together with Marina Franco, Network Interdisciplinary Studies Recent History (RIEHR). Professor and researcher at the Institute of Human Development, National University of General Sarmiento.
- Carlos Mangone (UBA). essayist and professor of Theory and Practice of Communication at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), a member of the Review editor Empty Causes, published between 1994 and 1998. He is currently editor of Critical Papers Communication and Culture.
Coordinates: Germain Soprano (UNQ). PhD in Social Anthropology, Master in Sociology and Professor of History. CONICET researcher. Academic Management Coordinator Department of Social Sciences.


17-18 hours. Open reporting . "The trial of meetings yesterday and today reading through the documentary sources." Participants: Alejandra Oberti (oral archive coordinator), Graciela Karababikian (coordinator documentary heritage) and Liora Gomel (communications officer).

18 to 20 hs. Panel "Trials: actors, scenes and challenges"
- Silvia Delfino (UBA-UNER). Teaching racing in different media. Queer Researcher Area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires. Argentina Militant League for Human Rights (LADH). Find out about scenes of genocide trials in Argentina.
- Lucas Miguel (UNLP). Degree in Social Communication. Assistant Secretary of the Federal Prosecution Unit of La Plata in cases involving crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship. Faculty, School of Journalism.
- Eduardo Rezso. Secretary of the Federal Oral Court No. 1 of La Plata. He was a lawyer of the Secretariat of Human Rights in the Province of Buenos Aires.
Coordinates: Esteban Rodriguez (UNQ). Attorney and Master of Social Sciences. Professor of "State, Society and Communication" and author of "Media Justice," among other books. Member of the Collective for Research and Legal Action (CIAJ).

20 to 22. Panel "Think and tell Malvinas
- Carlos Giordano (UNLP). Member of CECIM . Director of Communication Research Institute of the UNLP. Published "Malvinas" and directed the documentary "Our Story", performed by children of former combatants.
- Federico Lorenz (CONICET). Historian and Doctor of Social Sciences. Integra Education Program Report of the Ministry of National Education. He is the author of "The Falklands wars" (2006), "the Falklands. A war Argentina" (2009) and coauthor of "Cruces. Comings and goings of the Falklands "(2007), among other works on the subject.
- Edgardo Esteban. writer, journalist, ex-combatants. Author of "Light by Fire "and co-writer of the film of the same name. Argentina is currently a correspondent for Telesur.
Coordinates: Nancy Díaz Larrañaga (UNQ). Master of Communication (Univ. Iberoamericana, Mexico), professor and researcher at the university, top adviser and project manager "Temporality and public space."

Free admission / attendance certificates will be awarded
Organization: Social Communication Degree , UNQ


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