Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mg217 Tar Ointment In Canada

El laberinto de Diego Tatian

The friend Eduardo Castilla, take critical post and send this text to Violent Office, discussing with Diego Tati who did not understand when Leopoldo Marechal ruled that "the maze, only the top leaves ..."
Diego Tatian, one of the leading intellectuals of Cordoba, writes in the newspaper last Tuesday Page12 step of the way the president for the province and asks " How free a progressive force in Cordoba? Dramatic this question bursts of political despair that has shrouded from lacabanismo " [1]
The question can not be more relevant. In the land of Agustín Tosco, the Cordobazo, the Viborazo and fly SITRAME SITRACEN-long conservative air. The construction of the Tati called a progressive force is intended as a counterweight to the Cordoba of the bells, the oligarchy soybean and large corporations, whose interests are managed alternately radical Peronist and juecistas.
This is the challenge of progressive Córdoba, as Tatian can be traced in "the militant unions, the University of the Reformation, the human rights organizations" and " some important referents within provincial Peronism and various leftist parties, among which stands out Sabbatella, dramatically increasing, and throughout the country "
The articulation of this horizon is progressive force Tatian the project to Kirchner. But in recent years, the protagonists of "Córdoba progressive "were far from showing a minimal will to transform.
Here are some notes on the basis on which Tatian is to build a progressive force in Cordoba.

Unions "combative"

As Tatian does not refer to individual unions, we are obliged to try to materialize their thoughts. Which could be flying the flag of militant trade unionism is Light and Power, which used to be a bulwark in the fight against the privatization of EPEC and attempts Menem late Galician De la Sota [2] .
But in recent years, Luz y Fuerza seriously mobilized only when they were attacked provincial pensions were processed by 17 workers guild clashes with police.
However, the union of Tosco soon relent in their struggle. First letting through pension reform, replacing the fight in the streets by the Board of firms have no effect either on the justice or the government. Along with this, it allows even those colleagues still processed by that conflict without taking any control measure.
Driving Light and Power did not lift a finger as large national struggles which gave Villa immigrant brothers in outsourced rail Soldatti or the Rock to name a major in 2010. Did not even fight for Arcor workers last year. So far not ruled against the persecution suffered by our colleague Hernan Puddu by employers of Iveco and SMATA bureaucracy.
The "role" played by the most important driving forces of Light and was the assistant of the STIA Peronist bureaucracy. When workers took to punching a unified CGT Morcillo and down to save the potatoes [3] . That day could be seen side by side, John Leyría Light and Power and "archidelasotista" Omar SMATA Dragún of trying to convince the dismissed workers that the CGT Leah was put in front of their struggle. That promise has not been even the memories.
Ironically Tatian wants to convince us that a point of support of the Cordova "liberal" are the " faced anti-bureaucratic union currents with the PJ " . If you want to track a current between workers antibureaucratic Cordoba is better not to do in the ranks of Kirchner.

Is college (against) the reform?

Tatian invites us to dive into the classrooms of the UNC. It tells us that "Scotto Carolina, has long been one of the most significant public figures and prestige." "The prestige of Scotto is staunch commitment to the most vulnerable population? Tati Unfortunately for progressives, no.
remember how, until the great struggle of 2010 students, the UNC was part of the Provincial Council of Educational Policy, the same that drove the pro-clerical and pro-business educational reform who fought against thousands of students. Only when mobilization was massive, UNC questioned the legitimacy of the law would not therefore prevented from Scotto (at the same Tati) be an active part of the "fight" against those who fought [4] .
Since taking Scotto, the university did not change the aspects that link it to the market needs: the agreements with the companies advanced. The payments graduate spring. The university population is elitist. Beyond cosmetic measures such as cancellation of the student contribution, the UNC is the way of adaptation to business needs. And, far from the 70's student movement, the groups "scottistas" follow the path of political and academic conservatism, but with a " a glossary, a memory, a tradition of thought" Birth & pop.
For us little ink left in the open union activity of the present rector who has not had problems to engage the Ministry of Labour against the demands of university teachers [5] or dismissal of delegates from ADIUC [6] . A pearl of this management, as Tatian, contributes to the construction of Córdoba "Progressive."

soup "Again?

Within combo, Tati includes " referents within provincial Peronism and various leftist parties, among which stands out Sabbatella"
Once again we are forced to give specific values \u200b\u200bto which names no cash. What happens is that, as they say now, no one resists a file, even the flamboyant Kirchner.
Acastello was minister Eduardo de la Sota [7] and resigned to become 'their' candidate in the 2005 elections [8] . Even, to refresh your memory (ours and Tati) Gallego was official when he launched his famous phrase that mothers should have cared for their children.
The exponents of "Sabatella Cordoba" not unhook. Vicente was a deputy for the Frente Grande between 1999 and 2001, or the Alliance. No need to remember where it ended. Later he became juecista and now Kirchner. Are the turns of life. So the "political arm" of the "progressive Córdoba" comes with a few tattoos a bit ugly past.

"Cordoba Cordoba progressive or revolutionary?

struggle Arcor workers and the large student struggle against the reform of 8113 marked a path. That was the real counterweight to the conservative Córdoba [9] . It was there in the field of battle, which showed forces to confront the government and employers Gringo Schiaretti they serve.
Cordoba kirchnerismo Figures were the other side of the barricade in these fights. Helping to raise the fight as he did in the case Leyría Arcor or acting out against it as did the "progressive" of the UNC. It is worth remembering that Kirchner in the Legislature supported with their vote the sanction of educational reform, while outside students who suffered repression mobilized [10] .
The Cordoba of 70 was the worker-student unity, that of Cordobazo and Viborazo, the confrontation in the streets, the union class-SITRAME as SITRACEN facing the trade union bureaucracy. Even Agustín Tosco, with the criticism that you are fit for his policy of conciliation of classes, was light years beyond the current K, which they want to appropriate.
policy was done in the streets, factories and universities, not in the halls of ministries, thread the charges as they do today K Cordoba [11] .
On the road to Córdoba revolutionary progress is needed in the organization of students, youth and workers, from a perspective that learning from the lessons of the great class battles that had the history of our province and not eat verses (the menu that comes with toads included) of the progressives who want us to sell the same candy in one package.


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