conference season
cycle The modern conference resembles the pilgrimage of medieval Christendom in that it allows participants to enjoy all the pleasures and diversions of travel while appearing austere dedication to personal improvement. There are, of course, certain penitential exercises, such as presentation of a communication, perhaps, and certainly hear communications from others, but with this excuse you travel to new places and interesting, new and interesting sets and form friendships with them new and interesting relationships (as worn as the stories themselves are new to them, and vice versa), eat, drink and juerguea in his company every night and yet, when everything is finished, returns home with a well-established reputation as a serious person . The current speakers have an additional advantage compared to the pilgrims of old, whereby expenses usually are paid, or at least supported, by the institution to which they belong, be it a government department, a commercial firm or, is perhaps more common, a university ... (David Lodge, The world is a small , Anagram, 1996)
APRIL. 4 to 6. Bogotá, Colombia . 1st meeting of critical studies on political transition. 5 to 8. Bogotá, Colombia. II Encuentro Iberoamericano Sustainable Urban Mobility. 7 to 9. Veracruz, Mexico. VII Meeting of Historians of the press in Latin America. The bicentennial celebration and hangovers. 11 to 16. Buenos Aires. First International Congress of Archaeology of the Cuenca del Plata, IV Discussion Meeting of the Northeast and II Archaeological Conference Update Tupiguaraní Archaeology. 14 and 15. Chivilcoy . Death Symposium, Society and Culture. 25 to 27. San Carlos de Bariloche . IX Argentine-Chilean Congress of Historical Studies and Cultural Integration. 27, 28 and 29. La Plata. VIII Conference on Research in Philosophy. 26 to 30. La Falda, Córdoba . V International Symposium on representation in science and art. MAY . 2 to 9. Perugia, Italy. Americanistic XXXIII International Congress. 3 to 6. Rosario . III Argentine Congress - Latin American Human Rights: Rethinking the University in the Latin American diversity. 5, 6 and 7. Buenos Aires. IV th Conference on History and Education, "New contributions to historical research. Debates and Current Perspectives on the professional practice of history and education system. " 5 to 7. Rio Grande do Sul Brazil . Meeting of the Human Sciences and Technology for Integration in the Southern Cone. Of Knowledge: Dialogue in the Americas. 9 and 10. Bernal, Quilmes. Symposium III American of Education and Human Rights. 11, 12 and 13. La Falda, Córdoba . Third National Conference on Social History. 12, 13 and 14. Buenos Aires. XVIII Conference on the Teaching of Philosophy. VI Argentine Congress on Mental Health and III International Meeting on Mental Health. III Latin American Meeting on Policies and Strategies for Mental Health. 12, 13 and 14. Mar del Plata. VI National Conference on Teacher Education: Curriculum, research and practice in context (s). " 16, 17 and 18. La Plata. Archaeology Days contemporaneity. Space culture and political culture in the Latin American city. 18 and 19. Bernal, Quilmes. Third Conference of History, Memory and Communication. 18 to 20. San Salvador de Jujuy . X Regional Research Conferences in the Humanities and Social Sciences. 19 to 21. Buenos Aires . VI Latin American Congress FLAPPSIP: Psychoanalysis, an experience of borders. 24 to 27. Pelotas, Brazil. VI Regional Meeting of Oral History. 25 to 27. Toluca, Mexico . XIII Latin American Conference of Geographic Information Systems. 26 to 28. Buenos Aires. III International Conference on Research and Political Debate "The crisis and the revolution in the world today. Review and Prospects. " Historical Research Seminar IX social RECs - Reason and Revolution. JUNE . 8 to 10. Neuquén. II National Conference on Philosophy and Epistemology of History "Time and time history of memory: the political uses of the past." 8 to 10. Bernal, Quilmes . VIII Conference on Research and Debate "Memory and opportunities in the agro argentino: bureaucracy, technology and environment (1930-2010)." 8 to 10. Comodoro Rivadavia. Patagónicas Social Studies Conference on Internet and communication technologies. 13 to 17. La Plata . Argentine Congress 9 and 4 Latin American Physical Education and Science. 14 to 17. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic . X International Meeting of the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians "Revolutions in history Latin America and the Caribbean in the Twentieth Century. " 16 and 17. Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos . II Conference on Social Sciences "Spaces, Cultures and Identities." 22 to 24. Montevideo, Uruguay . VI Conference of American History and Culture "The construction of independence: the war of independence from Spain and the English-American uprising" - International Congress and First Meeting of Young Americanists. 23 and 24. Rosario . First Meeting of Young Researchers in cultural history: "The challenge for research: experiences, practices and theoretical and methodological decisions." 26 to 29. Sucre. VIII Congress of Ethnohistory, "Ethnohistory beyond ethnicity." 29 to 1 / 7. Rosario . VI National Meeting Space, Memory and Identity. JULY . 6, 7 and 8. Buenos Aires . II International Conference on Hermeneutics "Hermeneutics in dialogue with the humanities and social sciences: convergence, contrasts and tensions." 10 to 13. Curitiba, Brazil. Anthropology IX Meeting of Mercosur, "Cultures, meetings and inequalities." 11 to 13. Montevideo. Third Conference of Political History. 11 to 13. Valencia, Spain . XV Congress of the International Federation Studies on Latin America and the Caribbean (FIEALC). 19 to 22. Tres de Febrero. IX Biennial Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. "Genocide: Truth, Memory, Justice, and Development." 25 to 29. San José, Costa Rica . XIII Meeting of Latin American Geographers. 29 and 30. Córdoba. Second Conference on Current Debates in Contemporary Political Theory. AUGUST . 1 to 6. San Pablo, Brazil . I Congresso Ibero-American World Communication. Confibercom 2011. 8 to 12. Buenos Aires . IX Congress of Sociology, University of Buenos Aires: "XXI Century Capitalism, Crisis and reconfigurations. Lights and Shadows in Latin America. " 10, 11, 12 and 13. Catamarca. XIII Conference, Departments of History Interschools. 11, 12 and 13. Tartagal. XIII Congress of Network Communication Network Racing. 24 and 25. Córdoba. Workshop "History provincial, local history, regional history. A key historiographical rereading. " 25, 26 and 27. Córdoba. Economy Seminar Review IV. 31 to 2 / 9. Buenos Aires. Third Conference on the History of Industry and Services. SEPTEMBER . 1 and 2. Mendoza . Practical Philosophy and Science Social: First Symposium of Young Scholars and Researchers "wired: relationship between theory and practice." 1 and 2. La Plata. Congress Communication / Social Studies from Latin America, "tensions and disputes in the Production of Knowledge Transformation." 5 to 7. Delhi. IV Conference Hum.'ve Imagined space: problems, practices and representations. 6 10. Recife, Brazil. XXVIII Congress ALAS Latin American Open Borders. " 7 to 9. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. International Conference on Innovation and Teaching Methodology in History, Art and Geography. 14, 15 and 16. La Plata. 2nd. X Latin American Conference and Conference on "Techniques of Restoration and Conservation." 15, 16 and 17. Rio Cuarto . XV National Meeting of Researchers in communication "communication and culture tours. Rethinking practices and processes." 21 to 23. Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos . XXXI Meeting of Regional Geohistory. 23. Rosario . First Meeting of Researchers / es del Litoral on gender issues. 22 to 24. Tucumán. Second Meeting on Youth, Media and Cultural Industry (JUMIC) "Subjects, looks, practices and discourses." 27 to 30. Ensenada, Baja California . Fourth International Congress of Sociology. 28 to 30. SYMBOLS, Italy (Bologna University) . 3rd. International Congress. "Scriptures silenced: the landscape as historiography." 29 to 1 / 10. Buenos Aires. IV International Seminar Politics of Memory. "Extending the field of human rights. Report and Prospects. " OCTOBER . 2 to 6. Mexico DF XXXV International Congress of History of Art: The Dilemmas of History and Art in Latin America. 5, 6 and 7. Mar del Plata. Second Provincial Congress-International-Meeting of Sociologists. 6 to 8. San Luis. I Iberoamerican Meeting on Policies, Management and Cultural Industries. "Encounter and dialogue between cultures." X National Meeting and Fourth International Congress of Oral History "Those voices reaching us from the past." 6, 7 and 8. Viedma. 9 th National Social and Communication Career Expocom VI. 12, 13 and 14. Buenos Aires. First Conference on History and Culture of Architecture and the City. 27 and 28. La Plata. Day 2 exchange and reflection on research in librarianship. NOVEMBER . 1 to 4. Buenos Aires. Interdisciplinary Seminar VII Agrarian Studies and Agroindustrial. 4 and 5 November. The Magazines (UNGS). IInd University History Argentina. 7, 8 and 9. Mar del Plata . IV International Congress Center for Latin American literature. 9 to 11. Montevideo, Uruguay . 5th. Uruguayan Economic History Conference. 9 to 12. Vitória, Brazil. II Second International Seminar on Public Art in Latin America "Public Art and political space: interactions and fractures in Latin American cities." 15 to 20. Vienna, Austria . 54 th International Congress of Americanists. "Building Dialogue in the Americas." 22 to 25. Buenos Aires . X Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology - CAAS. 24 to 26. Mar del Plata . VII Days Michel Foucault. PD: The above list only includes humanities, social and related fields, and the English speaking world, including the possibility of portuñol. And it is certainly incomplete.
I'm writing an article on the subject, which may take exactly the title of this post
... As Ranciere says, or as Matthias Rancière appointment outside their
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