Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Brain Tumor Neuroglia Or Nerve Tissue
KADAFI Campora, Cristina and Peronism (provinces "right" and thousands of persecuted people of the "popular government")

Much has been discussed and analyzed in these days, after the act of Hurricane. The "Christina" and "Field #" were the focus of debate. Or rather how much of "Field #" how to "Robert" and how much of Peronism is in the current government's political project. CFK The alleged dialogue with the "youth" and the vindication of the "spring Campora, 38 years later, led to different analysis ranging from those who argue that there is a continuum with truncated that project, even those who are pure Peronism , to those for which there is an improvement and a new synthesis aggiornamiento these times, where "recovered" a mythical date but within a democratic project, away from the divisions of those years. B. Sarlo is among the last and late obnubila the cultural hegemony of the "project."
But little can be understood if we analyze what was the "spring Campora" and ultimately why "did summer." We can not look deeply into this space, the complex web of political moment, which ultimately refers to discuss the whole process that opened and closed Cordobazo Strike 76.
But we can give a brief definition: Field # was the most "popular front" adopted Peronism, which itself was historically, as all Bonapartism sui generis, a "popular front in the form of game." The revolutionary process of class struggle which opens with the Cordobazo, "introduced" in Peronism and divides between left and right, inter alia, by the failure of Marxist currents and class to put up, at times earlier, a better alternative direction of Peronism (the reason for this issue which can not fail to be named, are for another long discussion.)
says historian Paul Pozzi on one of his research books on the working class, arguing against those posed by the ideas and traditions were left "outside" the working class of Argentina, who in reality were so strong and deeply rooted traditions left in the Argentine labor movement, which until Peronism had to be "somewhat" left.
By the same logic we can say that was so acute class struggle in the open period in May as strong Cordoba and revolutionary tendencies within the working class, which to Peronism had to be "a little revolutionary. " Frontism Campora, was nothing more than an expression-not the only possible-it. And that will fit "all general law" of the popular front, ie meet the role of opening the way to the right that dirty work began with the return of Perón to the presidency (López Rega and the Triple A included) to whom the death as "saved" to finish his mission, his wife and then went Gone are the military.
Those seeking alternative explanations of bourgeois sociology, to deny this essential element (the class struggle) in the analysis of Campora, make water everywhere. In an interview Alicia Servetto on National Radio, when asked if Jorge Halperin of the conflict between right and left Peronist was the "introduction of the class struggle within the movement" Cordoba historian responds "I do not work from this logic (of course), but rather of a fracture within Peronism, between different areas (?) between different interests (?) and how they are reshaping (?) in Provincial these dynamic scenarios (?) within Peronism ". What were the engines of these strands, whose interests they responded and why they had those fractures is "e'Mandinga thing" for the poor Servetto sociology. And that is one of the few that investigated the process deeply, and even wrote a book about "Peronism against the provinces montoneras" ! This, besides showing aversion that have the class struggle, members of the academic clique that now directs the UNC, shows the poverty of the "recent" bourgeois sociology, as opposed to Marxism, to the analysis of social and political processes.
In this framework, define a continuum between Campora and "Cristina" is simply nonsense. With a tough defeat in between and a reversal of the gains and subjectivity of workers, during and after the dictatorship, the working class fell across the line, until the 2001 started to reverse this trend and in recent years began a process objective and subjective recovery, where the class struggle (Usually in forms of economic struggles union) returned to the scene.
Likewise, the camporees opened a process that included the "provinces montoneras" with the Peronist left-wing governments and a significant event that was imposed at the Campora by popular mobilization, the release of political prisoners in "Devotazo" , which occurred the night of assumption of "Uncle."
What is the policy of "neo-camporees" current in relation to these issues?
At the level of the provinces "Cristina" is based on agreements with the "right" Peronist, closer to tradition of Calabró than of Bidegaín (with De La Sota in Cordoba, Buenos Aires Scioli and Corn, the Saadi and even Barrionuevo in the flamboyant triumph of Catamarca, Santa Fe etc Reuteman. etc..) The collector can fool some gil, but the real power rests with the pejotismo. Of course today, "democracy and human rights" we all ... while the class struggle does not target the tail, as happened with the emergence of further down the American Indian Park, which became almost a national crisis and no one can say that similar situations do not recur, but quite the opposite.
And in relation to another question, "Critin" is closer Perón 1974, which proposes the setting of the Penal Code against "subversive activity", a fact which is produced by the famous resignation of eight members of the "trend" among which was one of the current " swords "(rather dull today Tramontina) of Kirchner, Deputy Carlos Kunkel.
So, the government of his speeches CFK "order" against cuts in streets or roads, the strikes, picketing and popular mobilization and the fact big as a house, that "camporees" forget, that there are thousands of tried and prosecuted, employers and trade union bureaucracies, demonstrates the farce of "government popular. "Even a fighter like Roberto Martino is in jail for telling simple truths about the Zionist state of Israel and murderer.
Rare" Field # "with provinces to pejotismo delivered pure and simple and even" soy "and thousands working and popular fighters pursued. We could paraphrase " What is it, what happens .... is full of popular government processed.
We are not interested in how they resolve their internal "Cristina", "Peronist" and "camporees" but it is our duty to make the difference between discourse and reality, to those that reproduce by Everywhere the first and second hidden discreetly to foist the government as being "popular" it lacks.
Those who claim to support "good" and criticizing the "bad", they should ask for these "minor" contradictions.
In filling are generational and youth for a long debate (if you give us time, we will make another post), but many of the young "businessmen" who run the Cámpora have more in common with the "last" Galimberti, which those who place their hopes in the "socialist fatherland" and expected to see "Children's Hospital at the Sheraton Hotel ..."
In filling are generational and youth for a long debate (if you give us time, we will make another post), but many of the young "businessmen" who run the Cámpora have more in common with the "last" Galimberti, which those who place their hopes in the "socialist fatherland" and expected to see "Children's Hospital at the Sheraton Hotel ..."
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