Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Didcongoleumflooring Have Asbestos

From these powders, Cobos

paraphrasing the title of an unheard of rounds ( From these powders, slurries future ") to graph the current status of Cristina Kirchner, and particularly the still illusive center K (ay!) "believes in the project."
A new tragic ending is presented in more or less immediate horizon for those who bet on this new attempt at a reformist impossible.
In another post after the murders in American Indian Park and Taiwan, we analyzed the prospects of what became known as "Robert". It is necessary to discuss the scenario with the new board political orientation and a more defined system of alliances with the government seeks to win the next election.
Looking beyond the surface, where good economic and consumerism seem to deny all kinds of contradictions, " project is digging its own grave, or perhaps even Cristina is ready to bury along with her husband in El Calafate. Those are the options that correspond to the political dynamics being taken by the government, beyond the numbers gush of daily launches Artemio L. from your blog, Horacio Verbitsky tumbling to "explain" how despite Scioli, De la Sota, mayors mazorqueros, Boudou and the union bureaucracy, we are on the right path to national and popular haven. Even beyond "Never Less" that hit the "neo-Kamdombera" Beatriz Sarlo, the "Kirchner" (as he was known so far) is poised to purgatory or not Cristina.
already seems to be looking at the center K, borrow up to a certain nostalgia, "Cleto turn you forgive all you did."
Daniel "Cleto" Scioli in the province of Buenos Aires, Jose Manuel "Cleto" de la Sota in Cordova, Amado "Cleto" Capital Boudou, Gildo "Cleto" Insfran in Formosa, Carlos "Cleto" Reuteman in Santa Fe, those are the allies that Cristina is prepared to try to win in October. The K center should consider the wise adage "God, save me from my friends, that I book my enemies ..." and the question is whether the biggest problem is losing or winning ...
This article, which interviewed the newly taken over the Front for Victory in Cordoba, the attorney for the CHILDREN subsidiary of this city, who declares that if CFK commands, the service will match the success of De la Sota , confirms that the country is taking trimmed farce comedy, but this case is rather tragic. The representative of the organization CHILDREN willing to support the man who just yesterday said a March 24 that "mothers had not taken good care of their children" . A man closest to the "tradition" of Lacabanne, than to Atilio López Obregón Cano and not to mention "their" so revered Agustín Tosco. Pathetic.
The "Kirchner", as we have said, as a political phenomenon was nothing more than a government bypass the days of 2001 with the objective of the Argentina reinstiucionalizar and become a "normal" country for business ... of the bourgeoisie. Devaluation and international economic boom did the rest. Enabling Speech to the picket lines, the Human Rights and a brush with the "corporations" (essentially Clarín) were the seasoning needed and tolerated by the ruling class, to ensure that as the Santa Cruz can do the job. But both the economic structure, and politically, that cycle is in its final stage.
Will preparing for the day after (if he wins the election CFK) A new theory of the fence "now put themselves in the foot to the rhythm of Candombe? Two options: either these people do not learn anything from history and mistakes, which was paid to the life of a generation that was not without heroism, although strategic direction or are simply an expression of cynicism period that took root during the years of restoration. No favors them too.
Or perhaps, no need for any theory or any fence, because CFK continue with the line of "qualunquismos sciolist" type "security has no ideology" or "I will not be complicit in the unions." And they propose as a candidate for the best student that can ensure the conditions needed for the whole of the bourgeoisie for their business and sign the "peace of Brest" (no further picketing, or strikes, or via cuts or wage claims "unconscionable ") and it is sad end of reformism ultramoderado K, where some wanted to see the only" revolution " possible (luckily the masses of the Maghreb to speak a language become true revolutionaries.) Then say it was a "betrayal Frondizi" slower and fees, the comedy aggiornamiento today.
But let the center K resolved, if possible, their political and even psychological contradictions.
The strategic problem for either Cristina or Cletus, is as always ... in the labor movement, of which the relative autonomy (semi-Vandoren) Moyano, no more than the distorted expression. Who will bell the cat of a labor movement with a huge tradition and that fighting in recent years has been developing different experiences of struggle, as war preparatory schools and highlighting a leading unionism represented by the base? And the problem is even worse (for them) in a world of capitalist crisis in progress and where the winds of radical and even revolutionary struggles ranging from Mabreb, to Oaxaca, or Bolivia, passing through Greece and many other countries.
And where they have a problem, we see the solution. Beyond the haze of the moment conformist, success in building a militant political movement in the labor movement (and a revolutionary youth) that can establish itself as leader of the party exploited, largely depend on our future.


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