Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sample Welcome To Church Services

las cosas por su nombre.

"Image butterflies in the stomach is the worst thing that happened to the world of Empedocles' metaphor for this part." Nicholas M. Poulsen dixit.

fully agree. Nico never told you, but I think you should write a book of essays, some day I'll grab the history of our talks on msn and put together a compilation of your conclusions about all this than we usually talk.

the matter is that, days ago I thought about it and mentioned it to Nicholas, I thought at that time physical sensation of being in love, that people call: butterflies in the stomach.

as I'm a bit lately and decided to be in love I took my own lab rat and stopping to see how it feels, to study carefully the effects of falling in love in the body, to notice exactly what is similar.

clearly has anyone ever eaten butterflies, and if so, apart from being a dirty, no I think that flying in the belly, since deceased. On the other hand, it is unknown who was the creator of a phrase as vulgar and dishonest that has spread through the world like a plague with no cure.

but hey, back to my exercise, I set myself a task I was quite simple at first: think about it. think about it until I came all that is paired with him, insomnia, poems failed attempts, the kitsch strikeout, the obscenities into the air, and the famous stomach pain.

arrived, and once I had it installed on my belly then tried to leave the mind blank, shake off the influences generated by the state itself and concentrate purely on the pain.

in principle, I should mention, that sweet, is not something to overlook the first thing one feels when in love is pain, second only to suffer the same a moment (because it is so comes as a blast as you realize that something is happening, but could not get the whole sheet) concluded that pain is the closest thing I know vacuum. thing is not to ignore, that you feel in your belly and feel much like being in love: it is empty. plain and simple. ironic and even perverse. empty gentlemen, no more no less.

could decorate poetically, that trend we have to blur everything, saying that it is hungry, hungry other. maybe add a sexual condiment, those who always make everything more interesting. but we should call things by their name instead of using metaphors such pathetic walk like butterflies.

empty, as a harbinger of what's coming. clear that we always end up making the Otari and at the end of the story we face surprised at one end so sad, as if she had known from the zero hour.

years ago I wrote to some page that does not exist a text that spoke of being in love, and quoted the Muslims when to throw a curse on someone saying "that fall in love "today I am writing again about the same and feel that at one point I have stagnated or fallen, but no matter.

I will continue to choose males with the belly, and despite all, I like be damned.

can say after reading my words that I am a pessimism, but as I said at that Mario haiku, a pessimist is just a well-informed optimist.


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