Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can I Put A Wax Tart In A Scentsy Warmer?

France began the attack IMPERIALIST NO MILITARY ATTACK AGAINST LIBYA. The Libyan people ONLY HAVE THE RIGHT to overthrow

Date: Friday, March 18, 2011

March 17 After several weeks of discussions in which significant differences emerged between different imperialist powers, the Security Council of the United Nations has given the green light military air attack on Libyan territory, using as cover for "humanitarian reasons" and "protection of civilians", explicitly in Benghazi, the heart of the popular uprising against Gaddafi. Resolution 1973 authorizes the United States, France, Britain and other Western powers "used by the measures they deem necessary", including bombings and rocket attacks fired from warships stationed in the Mediterranean since the outbreak of the uprising with Kadafi work in mid-February, but fearing to be seen as yet another imperialist war a Muslim country, excluding the invasion with ground troops.
This resolution passed with 10 votes in favor, including the United States, Britain, France and Lebanon. Germany, Brazil, India, Russia and China abstained, the latter two permanent members of the Security Council avoided using its veto power that would have made approval.
addition, it also has the support of the reactionary Arab League and the oil kingdoms of the Gulf Cooperation Council, among which are none other than Saudi Arabia and UAE, who have sent troops to help the monarchy of Bahrain Council member and key U.S. ally, to suppress the popular uprising that for more than a month shaken this small kingdom, home to the headquarters of the U.S. Fleet V.
The National Transitional Council (CNT) Libyan composed mainly of former officials from Qaddafi's dictatorship and "notables," including lawyers, judges and bourgeois sectors kadafista opponents of the regime, has been calling on the Western powers to intervene, generating illusion that the imperialist governments may act on behalf of a popular cause. But in the meantime have been busy to engage with representatives of these governments, the new regime that will eventually emerge, respect, like Gaddafi, the imperialist economic and geopolitical interests. The justification for "humanitarian" for urgent intervention in Libya is a great hypocrisy. While Obama is "worried" by the Libyan civilians supported the repression of the monarchy of Bahrain against his own people and continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that has killed tens of thousands of civilians by bombing imperialists. For his part, Sarkozy, who now poses as "flagship" of "Arab democracy" and was the first to recognize the CNT, held until the last moment the regime of Ben Ali in Tunisia, which had promiscuous relations.
The real purpose of military intervention by the imperialist powers, supported by its reactionary allies and dictatorships and monarchies of the Arab League, is to abort the development of the armed uprising, and prevent a possible drop of Kadafi may result in emergence of a regime that challenge their business interests and the oil majors such as Italy's ENI and France's Total. Intervene to ensure the government to replace it as pro-imperialist Kadafi like this. Moreover, regional, imperialist intervention in Libya would be advanced against the revolutionary processes being developed in several Arab and Muslim countries to impose controlled outputs or diversions and maintain the subjugation of these countries to the various imperialists.
The revolutionary wave that shook the Arab world is laying bare the true interests of major powers. Not only were until a few weeks ago the main partners of autocratic regimes against which the masses are lifted, but still defending reactionary regimes, as does the United States with the monarchies of Bahrain or Saudi Arabia, to preserve more agents important to guarantee their interests in the region. The reformist left, including the PS, the Left Party and the Green Party in France, give credit to the "Humanitarian Charter" and believe that given the military superiority of Kadafi is legitimate for the rebel leadership to seek assistance to imperialism and thus act as cover "progressive" military attack, as previously done in the former Yugoslavia and Kosovo.
Any government that emerges backed by imperialist military intervention is no more than a puppet to serve the interests of big powers and capitalist corporations.
against those who seek to present to the Libyan uprising as an "imperialist conspiracy" as do Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro Daniel Ortega and other "progressive" governments to justify shameful defense of Qaddafi's dictatorship, the Marxist revolutionary Trotskyist Fraction - International Fourth, we affirm that only the Libyan people have the right to overthrow Gaddafi.
repudiate the UN resolution and interference or imperialist military intervention. The Libyan people's true allies are the workers, unemployed youth and poor Arab countries that have risen against their autocratic governments and pro-imperialist, and all the exploited faced worldwide imperialist oppression. The only real support they can receive the revolutionary process from the imperialist countries will be the workers and youth, along with the millions of Arab workers who are exploited there, believe in a form of struggle against their own governments, their policy of plunder and domination of the Arab world for help in organizing all areas of their struggle against Kadafi and imperialist aggression.
call to labor organizations, student and grassroots human rights organizations and leftist organizations, to call and a very large movement in solidarity with the Libyan people's struggle against all imperialist military attack or interference.
No to imperialist military intervention in Libya. Kadafi down. For a government worker and popular


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