Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tub Mats With No Suction Pads



In the central date, which will take place in a free at the Catholic Cultural Center, there will be a tribute to the Teatro de la Universidad Católica (TUC).

World Theatre Day, organized by the ITI-UNESCO PERU, to be held on Tuesday March 29 at 7:00 pm at the Centro Cultural de la Católica, Av Camino Real 1075 San Isidro, will with various activities around this subject, which include readings from the Memorial messages by this date He notes actress, director and playwright Jessica KAAHWA Uganda, and our renowned playwright MARY CASEY, as well as a tribute to THEATRE THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY (TUC) for his long and spotless career.

World Theatre Day, established in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI) is annual cause for celebration for all ITI National Centres and the international theater community. Worldwide there are activities and art related to the Performing Arts. The UNESCO ITI website provides information on these events:

is why PERUVIAN CENTER INTERNATIONAL THEATRE INSTITUTE ITI-UNESCO will render a just tribute for his impeccable career, the TUC, the most important breeding ground for theater actors, film and television in the country, who turns 50 years. El Teatro de la Universidad Católica (TUC) has a vocational school called the School of Theatre TUC, to depend on the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, nourished by a liberal education and intensive training that requires a high level performance, as well as an authentic and vigorous artistic vocation.

The International Message for this day was written by Jessica Kaahwa, actress, director and playwright, Uganda, (he wrote over 15 plays, television and radio), highly respected internationally for her humanitarian work. Has a long career in the design of a participatory communication for development. A graduate of the University of Benin, Dr. Kaahwa studied theater history, theory and criticism at the University of Maryland, USA. Has been the architect of a number of national initiatives that have attempted to use the theater and the media as a constructive force in conflict settings and to improve health. A good example is his recent experimentation with the "Theatre for personal meaning" and "theater de los conflictos de comunicación.” Trabaja actualmente en la integración de la “teoría de proceso” en práctica del teatro terapéutico.

Por su parte, el Mensaje Nacional por esta fecha será escrito por CÉSAR DE MARÍA, uno de los dramaturgos peruanos más destacados de la actualidad y dedicado desde hace veinte años en paralelo al teatro y a la publicidad. La actual Junta Directiva del ITI-UNESCO Perú está conformada por el reconocido director y actor Ricardo Morante (President) and the journalist and actor Sergio Velarde, and is responsible for conducting this ceremony. The appointment is on Tuesday March 29 at 7:00 pm (exact time) at the Centro Cultural de la Católica, Av Camino Real 1075 San Isidro. Admission is free.

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