Arturo is not blond hair is yellow which is very different. Cat has green eyes and is missing half a tail, which makes him a little theme balance, so when I call and go through the roof, take a few minutes to come, measuring each step that gives a lot. I love to watch him in the act of carefully measuring everything, I try to learn from him, but it is known that cats are superior to humans, the thing is that Arturo walks always half staggering, however, defended quite well when he fights with the other cats in the neighborhood, the reasons for the fight are always the same: a girl.
say pets resemble their own, do not really like using the word "pet" or "owner" to talk about these things, especially in this case, in which that interval is not known who is who. I like to spell out some similarities and differences between Arthur and me.
know that the balance is not considered one of the famous five senses, (though it should be) but if it were, Arthur would be missing one of them, like me, I'm anosmic of birth, what can we to do, is the scandalous legacy my father left me in life.
say that when you lack a sense that you have no other more developed, Arthur is very wise when choosing how to take the next step, however I act on impulse. (Sometimes, as I said, no one knows who the cat) took a lifetime trying to find what is the balance that makes sense to me my weakness, and most likely die without discovering.
the girl is older and quite area, long walks and looking disheveled rock and roll, I like him at times, but I think some are abusing the generosity of Arthur, comes to visit always When food or milk, which makes me suspect that he is by his side for interest, but what can I say I Arthur, on issues of couples do not have to get one always loses. the other is stubborn like me, when you put something or someone in the head, not even postage. Arturo
the girl is older and quite area, long walks and looking disheveled rock and roll, I like him at times, but I think some are abusing the generosity of Arthur, comes to visit always When food or milk, which makes me suspect that he is by his side for interest, but what can I say I Arthur, on issues of couples do not have to get one always loses. the other is stubborn like me, when you put something or someone in the head, not even postage. Arturo
hurts sometimes, I realize, when I noticed the doldrums and sleepy is because of it, often spending days and nights without any signs of life. then I do a spot on the bed, he comes slowly, but always comes and stays quietito me, yes, and it feels the first sound in the yard, jumps like boiled milk and then another, runs off to look for forgetting damage and possible declines in the marathon to the little roof of the shed ... it is incredible that we are so similar, I forget my promises to last as long as those of Arthur, until an early signal, then the anger is something from another century and nothing matters more than getting out of bed and go in search love, or something. Arturo
has, like everyone else, some hobbies, likes to drink water from the vase, especially if it is dirty, even if your Tachito full of fresh water, the guy goes and takes the vase. eats grass and every time you bend to pet goes belly up like a dog, that's because it is so camouflaged with Fidel, the family dog, who steals food Arturo abusing the giant, who looks at him broadcast or a groan, is that Fidel is pure heart.
very nervous if you come and bite your toes, I think that's because it can not ignite cigarettes, but Arthur did not really like the snuff, marijuana themselves instead, when you smoke it on puts a butt face of disgust and looks away, however when one throws the smoke of good grass and close your eyes I swear that even smiles. I can not crucify the cat for these hobbies, I have mine too, like setting the alarm clock always an odd number, or browse kits outside bathrooms aspirinetas seeking to steal and eat. what saddens me is that almost no one has aspirinetas at home, the day I found a tablet in the bathroom of a man, I swear I'm getting married.
with Arturo
have very deep conversations. no one would believe, frankly, I talk to him and he responds, we have our code, if meows or cries or growls, I already know what you tell me, of course, like any good director, not always say what I want to hear.
have very deep conversations. no one would believe, frankly, I talk to him and he responds, we have our code, if meows or cries or growls, I already know what you tell me, of course, like any good director, not always say what I want to hear.
what I like about him is that he is always by my side, so that cats are an infidel is pure gossip bug would have to see how he comes to meet me half shaking his tail when I get home or as makes me purr when I'm next.
sometimes, like now, it gets a little moody and disturbs my work, I think he suspects I'm writing about him and he does not like anything, it's pretty quiet. not to jump on the role and pulls me the pen.
so another day he will not tell you more ... we go to sleep, Arturo and I, while listening to Dolina.
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