Monday, March 14, 2011

Cost To Replace A Lisence


Date: Monday March 14, 2011

(03/14/1911) In the morning, in a tragic car accident in the province of Mendoza, lost our partner Leopoldo Denaday life, and prominent member of CEPRODH member of the Socialist Workers Party of Neuquén. In the same crash killed Mirta Fernandez and our companion was injured Ivana Dal Bianco.
At this point, a delegation of our party comrades, along with members of the Union of Neuquén Potter, which was organized lawyer, are coming together with family and friends to the city of San Rafael, where the partner admitted Dal Bianco. Leopoldo
began in revolutionary political activism at a young age, she began to pursue a law degree at the University of Buenos Aires. In those years of social and cultural degradation imposed by the Menem administration, while many young people opted for the "every man for himself" the meanest and individualism, decided to put their knowledge, energy and which would be his profession, serving the cause of workers and the people. We share with the intense days of militancy, which is multiplied when the workers and Zanon workers took and put to produce the factory, struggling against the bosses, bureaucracy sold and state repression.
As a labor lawyer intervened in numerous cases in which he defended the interests of workers, making decisions and judgments that were historic for defending workers' rights, as ruled in favor of reinstatement and recognition as a delegate of fact an employee of the Textile Pastora, among others.
Also, with Ivana Dal Bianco, Natalia Hormazábal and Mariano Pedrero, was actively involved in the lawsuit by the CEPRODH in cases against the genocide in the region, fighting for the common and effective prison for all genocides. From the regional
PTS and his fellow militants from around the country with his partner Ivana Dal Bianco and his family at this very hard time and pay tribute to his revolutionary activism and dedication to the cause of workers and people. Its history of activism is an example for young people, intellectuals, workers and professionals who, like him, are not resigned to the misery to which we want to condemn the operating company. PTS

Socialist Workers Party
Belgrano 1072-Neuquén


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